The awakening of fury

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Kobayashi: (sits in the living room and tells Thoru to accompany her) I did not want to tell you until Kanna had a slightly stronger mind but there is no more time to lose

Thoru: (somewhat scared) you can explain all this to me, I did not understand

Kobayashi: I'll explain it to you (he lies down on Thoru's legs and says)

I remember when I was a small and unique breed of two dragons of the faction of those who observe, it was when I saw in the distance how my parents were massacred by those of the faction of harmony, the last thing I saw was when a dragon said :

Elma finishes your first mission.

And I saw their deaths, one of my companions badly wounded could open a portal where escape, in the end also died, when I come to this world use a spell to camouflage me, bague for a few months until a witch found me and I became his daughter , thanks to her I have a very high magical power, unfortunately she died of old age, but she can keep me alive and I lived all that humanity has seen, in 1995 it was created the company where I currently work, the father of shouta knows my origin and gave me the pleasure of working, when I was already looking at the age of 25 I was able to meet people and go out quietly, when Elma came not to reveal me since I would spoil a plan of more than 23,000 years, but it will soon be its end.

But I do not want you to get involved in this lawsuit, I do not want to lose you

Thoru :( Stares at kobayashi but does not respond)

In that kobayashi kisses her passionately and tells her not to worry about what will happen. Both went to sleep, Kobayashi was thinking about what to tell kanna about his true self.

Elma does not expect the torment that will live because of his past.

Kobayashi-san Chi no maid dragon: "True enemy or false friend"Where stories live. Discover now