An old friendship

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A week has passed since the neglect of kobayashi, for which he was careful not to raise suspicions, what nobody knew is that a being would come to the world, which possesses the same strength as Elma and Thoru. 

In the offices: 

Director of the company: Elma Joui, please come to the meeting room 

Elma: oh, what could it be (in that he sees kobayashi and asks him) ... Kobayashi-sempai, could you join me? 

Kobayashi: sure, there's no problem 

The two are on their way to discuss the matter, until they reach the aforementioned place, the curious thing was that almost the whole room was dark 

Director: I did not expect to see her accompanied, but I think you might be interested 

¿¿??: hehehe ... apparently, I will not be alone in this world 

Elma: that voice, it sounds like a family ... will it be? 

In that a being of female anatomy, pulls kobayashi and suppresses it but without hurting it and says 

¿¿??: Elma do not remember me ... remember, how much fun we had hunting dragons of chaos 

Kobayashi when hearing that and taking advantage of that there was not so much light decides to remove one of its claws and buries it a little alone so that the being who attacked it will let go 

Elma: are you? 

In that that being, gets up and like a cat wags what you can appreciate to see, a tail with rather odd crests of blue, and red eyes that shone in the gloom ... the creature is called ... Kiryu!

Kiryu: (observing kobayashi, somewhat frightened, but she denies that he is a common being) mmm ... from what I observe and I heard you must be Kobayashi-san ... or am I wrong ?, you know no matter you are strong. .. wow Elma you see that you grew a lot 

Elma: Kiryu ... I have not seen you for 7000 years ... how have you been? 

In that Kiryu faints and falls, by inertia all help and lead to an emfermeria of the place, but the Director, calls by phone, that opens a portal where Shouta appears 

Shouta: what happens dad (in that he sees being on the stretcher and puts his hands on his head) 

At the end he leaves without saying anything, the director explained who he was and why he would have come to this world, reveals a wound on the right side of his chest and as they are known decided to come to the world, but never expect to meet an old acquaintance. ... after a batch of work Elma decides to stay that night to take care of her friend, kobayashi started to investigate who was that type 

What will kobayashi do to remove kiryu from his path?  

What will kobayashi do to remove kiryu from his path?  

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Kobayashi-san Chi no maid dragon: "True enemy or false friend"Where stories live. Discover now