The new force

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A month has passed since a new life arrived at the hands of Takiya ..... The name of the little one is Sayuri ... 4 months passed and the time was approaching when kobayashi to enter and recover her young ... Fafnir back to the end ... how will react with the surprise that awaits you?

Fafnir: (approaching the door of the house he notices a Manna higher than Takiya but less than Kanna, so he decides to enter carefully) Takiya return ... where are you? ... Mmmm how weird .. ..

Takiya: (in her arms to her daughter) oh ... Faf-kun .... You came back

Fafnir: (somewhat confused with the girl decides to ask him) hey ..... Takiya .... That girl .... Who is .... And who is she

Takiya: (letting out a sigh tells him to sit down to explain) good ... 4 months ago .....

After explaining to her after an hour what was her origin and her name, she decided to continue living and take responsibility because she felt something for the little one despite being minimal

The hours passed until Takiya decides to sleep since he was somewhat tense ... And Fanir decided to spend the night playing videogames

Fafnir: (in his mind he thinks that this girl has the characteristics of a dragon of harmony .... Although he still doubts if he is a dragon) mmmm nor is that type of hair normal in humans, besides it emits a mana stronger than the of Takiya ... but weaker to Kanna ... By the way (it pauses the game) it is true hire to the house of Kobayashi aver what happens

Just before Fafnir left the house ... The little girl started to cry ... Fafnir felt something and decides to see what happens ... When approaching

Fafnir: (I charge the little girl which starts to calm down) fence ... Those eyes are ... They are striking ...... Her hair with that reddish color like blood .... My ... My little girl ..... (loose a slight smile)

Takiya: (He was at the door just watching and decided to go back to dirmir with that vision)


Thoru: kobayashi and one month left .... Kanna and Iruru have suffered a lot and it is almost time for the attack

Kobayashi: Yes .... Elma will soon make you suffer for all this, maybe I would have forgiven you for my parents but my children would not ..... Also Kiryu will make you suffer ...... My new strength will appreciate


Elma: (kneeling in front of a statue) gods I ask for your help and power to eradicate my enemies .... To changed my soul .......

Kobayashi-san Chi no maid dragon: "True enemy or false friend"Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu