The wrath of destruction

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After entering the portal, the 4 individuals fell into a place similar to a desert, in that they decide to separate to start a small talk

Elma: (looks at Thoru and special at Kobayashi) so you did not lie Kiryu ... Kobayashi, tell me what faction you are

Kobayashi: (in a relaxed voice) I do not belong to any faction ... even so I will make you pay for what you did to me a long time ago

Elma: and you ... Thoru ... helping someone who is not even of your same faction

Thoru: Shut up idiot, she saved my life, besides I love her

Kiryu: little piece of evil dragon ... still ... Kobayashi speaks, why do you want to see my dead friend?

Kobayashi: she killed my parents in (making quotation marks with her fingers) her first mission ... and it's time for revenge

Elma: (remembering) I first thought it was your parents, I also thought that everyone had died ... but from what I see, you are the only one, besides they were a danger to us

Thoru: (getting into the talk) How was it possible for your superiors to force you to kill even as a baby?

Kiryu: (with crossed arms) who said superiors ... if Elma found them and called the others ... I did that mission too

Elma: (with a malignant giggle) you know ... the most fun was how they suffered in their last minutes of life

Kobayashi: (in an anger) like that, that madamas you killed for fun

Thoru watching Kobayashi about to attack, realizes that Kiryu is not

Elma: kill them

Kobayashi: what?

At the time he felt a strong kick in his back that took it flying from the place, what nobody knew is that Kiryu was slightly stronger than Elma, so it was easy to throw Kobayashi, but Thoru seeing this gets angry and gives him a couple battle to Kiryu

Kiryu: hehe nothing bad for a slow dragon

Thoru: slow eh (grab her horns and taming her for a moment) aver try to get rid of her

Kiryu: bastard

While Elma with a foot on Kobayashi's head

Elma: (squeezing Kobayashi's head harder and harder) even if you beg me to end my mission I could not finish

Kobayashi: (screaming) Damn, I will not die so easily

In that Kobayashi with his tail crosses the arm of Elma, which releases it, and see that it was serious decides to flee, followed later Kiryu flees

Thoru: (subject to her beloved and hugs her in the middle of tears) you're fine ... answer

Kobayashi: (gives him a short but romantic kiss) I'm fine ... we go home, this time it was a draw

The two in love return to the human world, in this first confrontation they did not expect a spectacular force from Kiryu, but Kobayashi has in mind a plan to eradicate it and leave Elma defenseless ...

Kobayashi-san Chi no maid dragon: "True enemy or false friend"Where stories live. Discover now