Halloween Masquerade

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Chapter 23: Piper

"Do I have to do this, Liv?" I asked while she straightened out my dress, "Maybe I should just drop the plan and tell him I changed my mind?"

"You can't chicken out now!" she said, "Besides, if everything goes the way it's supposed to, you and Justino will be together by the end of the night anyway. You said the kissing lessons were going well, right?"

"Well... yeah," I answered, "But this is just crazy!"

"So?" she replied, planting a hand on her hip and shooting me her don't-mess-with-me-I-know-what-I'm-doing look. Yeah, she has one of those, "Just trust me, okay? Everything will turn out perfect."

"If you say so..." I mumbled, staring down at my feet - or rather the edge of my skirt since it was so long it pretty much swallowed my feet.

"I do say so," she said, "Now chin up so I can put on your mask."

"Fine," I mumbled, "But why do I have to dress in the fancy princess costume?"

"We've been over this a thousand times," she said, shaking her head at me, "Justino is dressed as a prince, because I'm forcing him to wear that costume, whether he likes it or not."

"Sounds familiar," I mumbled.

"I heard that," Liv said, swatting the back of my head, "Anyway, so I want to set this up so it seems like fate, comprendes?"

"When really it's just your meddling, ow!" I exclaimed as she smacked the back of my head again, "Actually, Liv, now that I think about it, my nervousness about all of this isn't really going to be a problem."

"Really? Why?" she asked.


"Oh, please," she scoffed, "Don't be so dramatic."

"I'm dramatic?" I sputtered indignantly, "You dressed me up like a princess just so you could pretend it was fate and not a huge, elaborate plan that brings Justin and I together."

"So you admit that the plan will bring you two together?" she grinned.

"Yes... no... I don't know..." I answered in confusion.

"Good enough for me!" she replied cheerfully, "This is going to be amazing!"

"You know for a girl in a relationship that is renowned for being no-strings-attached and generally unromantic," I said curiously, "You seem to really love all of this hearts-and-flowers stuff."

"Yeah, well, I just want to see you happy," she said with a smile, "And... if you ever want to talk about it... I'm here, okay?"

"Talk about what?" I bristled. If Justin had spilled about my family drama to his friends, I was going to kill him.

"I know an abuse victim when I see one," she answered, pulling her hair back so I could see a long, white scar running from her jawline to the edge of her collarbone. With a humorless laugh, she added, "A, uh, parting gift from my last boyfriend."

She let her hair fall back into place and said, "Let me know if you want to commiserate sometime, sí?"

"I'll, um," I cleared my throat, pausing to let the new information sink in a little, "I'll think about it."

"I'll be waiting," she grinned, "Now help me get my Catwoman costume on."

"See that's what I love about you, Liv," I laughed, "You throw a Halloween Masquerade, not a costume party, mind you... and then instead of wearing a long, intricate gown... you go as Catwoman."

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