Kissing Lessons

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Chapter 22: Justin

"Good morning, lovebirds," a girl's voice sing-songed, "Or is it afternoon? What time is it, Leo?"

"I don't know," my brother replied to the girl, "Let me check..." I heard a little scuffling noise before he added, "Oh, yeah, it's already one o'clock, Sadie." Sadie. If Sadie stayed over... then that means Piper did too. And... oh shit, did Sadie say lovebirds? My eyes snapped open and I took in Leo and Sadie's smug faces. I glanced down and there she was, lying on top of me with her arms wrapped tightly around my torso. I was surprised I hadn't noticed her earlier.

"Piper," I mumbled quietly, "You have to get up now." She opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"I don't wanna," she muttered sleepily, blinking at me a couple of times, "I haven't slept this well in forever." She snuggled in closer and buried her face in my neck, effectively shutting me up for the moment. It was probably for the best; if she'd jumped up now a certain, erhm, guy problem would've been broadcast to the whole room. And with a perverted idiot for a brother, I'd never hear the end of it.

The other two were still staring at us with those shit-eating grins plastered on their faces, I shifted uncomfortably and I felt my face warming in embarrassment. "What's your deal?"

"Oh, nothing," Sadie chirped, "We're just hanging out. Yup, just me, Leo, my sister and her boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" I sputtered. Like Piper would agree to that. Sadie was seriously lucky her sister was still asleep or she'd be pissed.

"Sure," she replied, "Didn't you two have a date down at the lake last weekend?"

"N-No!" I stammered. I really didn't want to go into details about that night.

"Oh, yeah?" Leo raised an eyebrow, "Then what exactly did you guys do?"

"NOTHING!" I insisted, "We were just working on the project."

"Please," Leo rolled his eyes at me, "I saw you slip that picnic basket in the back of your car." Damn, I really thought he'd missed that.

"It was just food," I answered, "We would've missed dinner if I hadn't brought something."

"Oh-kay," they chorused.

"Come on, Sadie," Leo said, "Let's give these two some alone time." He grabbed her hand and the two of them rushed up the stairs and out of the media room. Leaving me alone with Piper.

"Now you know how it feels," she mumbled.

"What?" I'd thought she was still asleep.

"The other time I, uh, stayed over," she replied, lifting her head so she was looking me in the eye, "Leo caught me lying on your chest and decided to embarrass the crap out of me. And you slept through the whole thing." She crawled off of me and stood up, "Now you know how it feels. Kind of. I mean, I was awake the whole time - more or less."

"Really?" I shot her an incredulous look, pushing myself up off the couch, "And you didn't mind when Sadie called me your boyfriend or called the lake trip a date?"

"No," she answered, blushing. I stared at her in confusion, but before I got the chance to ask her what she meant by that, she said, "I have to go... Liv is expecting me... see you tomorrow!" Out of nowhere, she kissed me on the cheek and dashed out of the room before I could even formulate a coherent thought.

"Friends, huh?" I muttered to myself, flopping back down on the sofa.


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