Skis and Dreams

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Chapter 34: Justin


Ignoring her, I rolled over, hugging my pillow close. It was so warm and soft and... not a pillow. Pillows weren't that big and they definitely didn't have curves like that. My eyes snapped open to see Piper, still sleeping soundly in my arms. I guess that's what Liv was talking about. I felt my face heat up as I tried to untangle myself from her. It didn't do me any good anyway, because Piper was clinging to me rather determinedly, mumbling nonsensically in her sleep.

"We know you're awake, Justin," Lindsey tsked, "Are you really going to snuggle in bed all day? You can try to get Piper to sleep with you some other time."

"Jesus, Linds," Piper muttered, finally blinking her eyes open, "That's the last thing I want to hear when I first wake up."

"Really?" I looked at her, slightly offended, "The last thing?"

"Even over 'FIRE!' and 'You drool in your sleep.'?" Andy asked with a slight chuckle.

"Weeell..." she started, stretching out as she spoke.

"Piper, don't," I groaned, "I just woke up myself. I don't think I can go skiing if you crush my ego this early in the morning."

"Fine," she laughed, the sound still a bit rough from sleep, "But all I was going to say that it's not quite as bad as those." She leaned over, pressing a kiss to my cheek. It seemed normal enough, but there was something about the look in her eyes as she pulled away. She looked... confused? Uncertain? I didn't know why she would feel that way though.

"Pipecasso?" I looked at her curiously, hoping for an explanation.

"Later," she said in response.

After a moment, I nodded reluctantly, "Okay."

"Are you guys communicating telepathically or...?" Liv raised a brow.

"Something like that," Piper smiled.

"Well, whatever you're doing," Lindsey said, "You'd better be downstairs in ten minutes, dressed and ready to go skiing."

"Ten minutes?" I groaned, "We haven't had anything to eat yet."

"Breakfast is for the weak!" she replied.

"That's not what you were saying when you wolfed down five pancakes this morning," Ian pointed out in a quiet voice.

"You ate like twelve!" Lindsey shot back indignantly.

"So I'm weaker than you," Ian shrugged with a small smile, "Come on, princess, give them some time to eat breakfast."

"Yeah, the last thing we need is for Justin to pass out on the slopes," Andy chimed in, "Can you imagine what a pain in the ass it would be to drag him all the way back here?"

"We could always just leave him out there," Liv laughed.

"No," Lindsey shook her head, "There's far too much paperwork involved if he freezes to death."

"What the hell, guys?" I exclaimed, staring at my insane friends.

"You know we love you, Justino," Liv said, "Besides, if we tried to leave you out there Piper would make a huge fuss. We'd never get away with it."

"Yeah, I'm definitely feeling the love," I muttered, throwing the comforter off and sitting up in bed, "Now I'd really appreciate it if you guys would get out of here so I can get changed in the pathetic ten minutes I've been given."

"You can have thirty," Lindsey said as everyone cleared out, "But that means you'd better eat enough of a meal that you don't pass out."

"Thank you for your generosity," I replied sarcastically, getting to my feet and going to my suitcase. Grumbling, I knelt down to dig through it for something to wear for today.

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