The Sins of Our Fathers

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Chapter 40: Justin

"Mmph..." What the hell?  I blinked my eyes open, flinching as the sunlight filtering in through the window half-blinded me. Only, there wasn't a window by my bed. I bolted up quickly, jostling the girl beside me in the process.

"Justin," she whined softly, tugging on my arm to try to pull me back down beside her, "Lie back down - it's too early to be alive."

I chuckled softly, relaxing at the sight of her familiar messy, blonde locks, "Good morning to you, too, Pipecasso." 

I kissed her forehead before obliging her request, holding her tightly to me as I eased back down beside her. It was such a relief to be able to have her in my arms again. Even though we hadn't been apart for long, believing that I'd never have the chance again made it seem like an eternity. 

"I missed you so much," I murmured, burying my face in her hair.

"I missed you too," she half-mumbled, "Now shut-up, old man, I'm sleepy."

 "You know, I might've thought this was a dream if you weren't being so lazy," I snorted, unable to keep from smiling, not really minding her early morning grouchiness. I was going to enjoy our reunion, even if she insulted me the whole time. 

"Well," she laughed, "I'll take that as a good thing, then. I'm keeping you firmly grounded in the reality of the situation."

"Right, right," I chuckled, "I should've known you were being remarkably lazy on purpose."

"Exactly," she replied, tickling my sides slightly, "So quit questioning me and let me get a few more hours of sleep. Maybe get a bit more rest of your own. Don't want you dying of exhaustion on me." 

She flashed me a teasing smile before resting her head against my chest and closing her eyes again. Covering a yawn, I let my eyes fall closed as well. It was pretty early...

Before we could nod off, however, we were startled out of our relaxation by a harsh pounding on the door. 

"Get out here, you little whore!" a voice roared over the pounding, making my hands clench into fists, "I see that fancy ass car is in the driveway again. Better not think I'll let you hide that fucking money from me!" Piper's face paled and I felt her cling a bit tighter to me. So this was what she put up with everyday? That voice... that was her father? With an icy calm that belied my inner rage, I got to my feet.

"Justin, don't..." Piper murmured, panic and terror clear in her eyes as she held tight to my arm, "H-He'll go away. Don't go out there."

"It's okay," I murmured gently, my whole demeanor softening as I tried to soothe her, "I'll be right back. I just want to make it clear to him that he won't be able to hurt you anymore. Not if I have anything to say about it."

Biting her lip, she hesitated for a moment before nodding and releasing her deathgrip on my arm, "All right... I trust you."

"Glad to hear it, Pipecasso," I smiled gently at her before turning my attention back to her tormentor. I gritted my teeth and squared my shoulders as each word of abuse he hurled further fueled the cold rage burning in my gut. I unbolted the door and swung it open, glaring down at Piper's father. 

I don't know exactly what I'd been expecting. Before me stood a stocky man with sunken eyes, sallow skin, and a paunchy stomach. He looked scruffy and rough like he'd just rolled in from whatever pub had just kicked him out. He probably had. 

I could take him. Easily. Probably not the healthiest or most normal thought to have upon meeting my girlfriend's dad for the first time, but I think in my case, it was probably fair.

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