5:Slithering Snakes

Start from the beginning

And with that Sasuke turns around and walks out of his office, and quickly following in his footsteps was Gintoki who didn't waste a second just standing around and immediately acknowledged his order.

Today the unsuspecting people of the Hidden Sand were going to meet the man who ascended to Godhood. A God of death who was ready to take something that he needed in his life, and if anybody dared to stand in his way. Then he would not show any mercy, whether it be a man, woman or a child.

"Kakashi Sensei why did you call me" Naruto asked as he sat in the Kazekage office with Kakashi and the leader of the Sand Village, Gaara. An old friend and rival of Naruto, and like Naruto he used to be the Jinchuriki, his body home to the feared One-Tails.

After Sasuke took over the Leaf, Gaara invited Kakashi to be his right hand man in the Sand village and help him make wise decisions in directing the village. Gaara and Kakashi both joined together to make a very wise and calculating duo that were at the helm of the Sand village.

Now Kakashi had been discussing with Gaara, plans about trying to take back the Leaf from the Uchiha Tyrant.
And everything was in their favor but the only thing that was a hurdle was Sasuke. No matter what strategy they devised, at the end they would always realize that Sasuke's immense Chakra and vast pool of Jutsu's would render all their efforts useless in seconds. So for that reason Naruto was called today.

"Naruto.........how is your training going these days" Kakashi asks Naruto in a grim tone as he turns to face him, with Gaara also staring right at him. Naruto's aura becomes a little down, after Sasuke and he fought, he had never gotten to the same level he was before. He trained as hard as he could but at the end it was never enough.

"Why are you asking me this Kakashi sensei" Naruto says as he lowers his eyes a little. Kakashi can tell that it was hard for Naruto to talk about this, because it brought back all the memories of the war, but this wasn't the time to just give up.

"Naruto. We are planning an assault on the Hidden leaf, against Sasuke.............and we want you to lead the charge" Gaara steps in the conversation and Naruto's eyes go a little wide at hearing his name, but quickly he breaks out into a small chuckle.

"You want to attack the Hidden leaf............that's funny" Naruto let's out a chuckle out of despair, Kakashi could tell how hopeless he was by his tone. Everyone was hurt after what happened but it was Naruto who was the most affected.

"We can't take over the Leaf again Gaara.............the Monster that is governing over the land of fire is not someone anyone of us can stand before, let alone defeat" Naruto's voice becomes laced with anger as he lowers his eyes, his rage building towards only one person. A person he no longer considered anything, not a brother, not a teammate, and not a friend.

To Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha was now his biggest enemy.

"Naruto, I know that you feel like it's hopeless but remember, your the one who taught me to never give up, to always believe in yourself......we can defeat Sasuke, if we work tog--" Gaara tries to change his mind, to get rid of his mindset, but suddenly Naruto becomes heated up and cuts him off by standing up.

"WE CAN'T DEFEAT HIM GAARA...................we just - - can't. He is too strong.........he possess the Sharingan, the Rinnegan and also the power of all 9 tailed beasts including Kurama..........even if we all stand against him together, we don't stand a chance..............don't make the mistake of fighting him, you would just be sacrificing the lives of innocent men and women, it's better to leave him alone....... And The leaf is dead Kakashi sensei.............it died the day he defeated me four years ago............it's time you started believing that, instead of giving yourself false hope" Naruto finishes, taking deep breaths trying to control his emotions as he turns around and leaves the room, closing the door behind with a powerful force.

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