Chapter 11: Plot Holes And Mistakes

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The next day Virgil walked into school and immediately bumps into Logan.

"Where were you last night?" Logan said, his arms folded across his chest as he stood, blocking Virgil's path. "I waited in the senior parking lot for twenty-three minutes."

It hit him. They were supposed to talk about the Janus Project and hand out post cards about it. "Oh, shit I completely forgot!"

"Don't worry, I went downtown and handed out the post cards without you."

Virgil was tripping over his two feet trying to apologize. "I'm really sorry, I must've put the wrong date in my phone!"

Logan glared at him. "What is your deal, Virgil? The Kickstarter deadline is in a week and I feel like your figuratively a thousand miles away! You haven't made any new videos, you haven't posted on the blog in weeks!"

"I've been busy!" He defended, starting to get angry.

"With what?!"

"Different stuff! Just- how much money do we have left to raise?"

"Not much. Just seventeen."

"That's good! I can donate that right now!"

"-thousand dollars."

Virgil deadpanned. "I'm sure we'll get there, we just need to get people engaged."

"That's exactly why I'm putting the emails between you and Janus on the blog."

His stomach drops at the thought. How much did they forget? "What?!"

"Mr. Picani sent them to me. He said there's a ton more, and that you show her a new one every week." Logan shrugged, turning to leave.

"But Logan, those were private conversations! You can't just use them!" He grabbed Logan's arm and spun him back to look him in the eyes.

It was Logan's turn to deadpan. "Not anymore! They belong to everyone now. That's the whole point, the more private, the better. That's what people want to see, even in other places on the internet. We have a responsibility to our community to tell them the truth, show them everything!"

"Our community?" Virgil asked, exasperated.

"I'm sending you a list of questions to answer, some of the emails don't make much sense." He said as if he didn't hear Virgil at all.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you've been telling everyone that the first time you went to the orchard was the day you broke your arm but the emails say you've been going since last November. But you can explain it all when I send you the questions. The blog loves hearing from you." And he walked off. Before Virgil could even catch his breath, Roman was at his side.

"Hey, my parents are out of town this weekend. The last time they used he liquor cabinet was like, Rose Hanshanah 1997, so we can drink whatever we want."

Virgil rolled his eyes. Roman knew he didn't drink. "I can't this weekend, I have to raise seventeen thousand dollars. Remember the Janus Project? You're supposed to be working on this too y'know."

Roman scoffed. "Remember you told me you didn't need my help."

"I didn't tell you to do nothing! I know you think this is all a joke but it isn't, it's important-"

"For Janus."


"You know," Roman pondered our loud intentionally, "when you think about it, Janus being dead.. it's like the best thing that's ever happened to you, isn't it?"

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