Chapter 7: You Will Be Found

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Virgil stared at himself in the bathroom mirror of the drama building, where the assembly was being held. He took a deep breath as he adjusted his tie. Patton came in a moment later in a green button up with black bow tie, the standard uniform for the jazz band.

"Hey, the Jazz Band is going on in five and we have a little prelude to play while you're giving your speech. Logan wants you on the stage in ten minutes." He said, patted him on the back and smiled softly. "Good luck, Virgil."

Virgil only nodded and walked with Patton back to the stage, where Patton picked up his flute and sat down next to the saxophones and clarinets that made up their tiny jazz band, a fraction of their pep band which was a smaller version of their marching band. They had a big school. Which didn't make Virgil feel any better because when he went to the stage to set his note cards on the podium, he stumbled, dropping a few, as he looked out to the audience. Holy shit that's a lot of people.

He didn't realize he had dropped any cards until he was giving his speech however...

The few others who wanted to speak before Virgil were lined up in front of him. It was Logan who was giving an opening speech and then August, Janus's weed dealer. I guess they really just needed someone else to speak so it wouldn't be plain. After August spoke a few words, the jazz band started playing. Virgil stepped out onto the stage and found the faces of a few people. Roman, that one theater kid, Toby, who liked to talk to him, the popular kids, Thomas, Joan, Talyn, Camden, a few others he didn't know the names of. Then he saw, in the middle of the theatre, Janus's parents, Emile and Remy. The opening notes of a prelude started and Virgil found himself choking up.

"H-hello fellow students and- and parents... I uh... I wanted to say a few w-words about Janus... he um- he really liked-" he fumbled with his words and glanced at his note cards, flipping away a few, noting how out of order they were. Great, this is perfect. "I-" Logan face palmed out of the corner of his eye, the Jazz Band kept going however, so he thought he'd try again.

"Maybe this shouldn't be all about Janus.. I- I know he would want his memory to be- to be um honored in- in a different way." He cleared his throat and locked eyes with Roman, who gave him and amused but encouraging smile.

"Fellow students, have you ever felt like nobody was there? Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere or have you ever felt like you could disappear, y'know? Like you could fall and no one would hear?" He waited a beat, gauging their reaction and debating to continue. He was urged on by Logan, who seemed somewhat moved by his opening statement. Emile looked like he was on the verge of tears and when he glanced at the band, Patton looked intrigued. So he continued. "Well, let that lonely feeling wash away, cause maybe there's a reason to believe you'll be okay, cause when you don't feel strong enough to stand you can reach out your hand...

"and I know, someone will come running and I know... they'll take you home."

He took a step away from the podium, wiping his hands on his khakis and trying to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach. "Even when the dark comes crashing through, or when you need a friend to carry you, or when you're broken on the ground... you will be found. So let the sun come streaming in cause you'll reach up and you'll rise again, lift your head and look around, and you will be found.... yeah you will be found..."

A few days later, he walked the halls, students staring at him but not in the usual 'oh my god who is this freak' kind of way. Actually it was more of a 'wait this kid actually goes to our school?' Kinda way and he wasn't sure which he liked better.

He found Logan, who was talking animatedly to some freshmen when they saw him and excused themselves. "What was all of that about?" Virgil asked, opening his locker while Logan spoke.

"Oh someone put a video of your speech online!" Logan said happily.

"M-my speech?" Virgil stopped dead and turned to look at him.

Logan nodded "Yeah people started sharing it I guess, and now Janus is everywhere!"

Roman came up and clapped him on the back. "This morning the Janus Project Page had like 37 followers!"

Virgil turned and looked at him, shrugging his hand away. "Well how many does it have now?"

"14,257" Roman read off of his page.

Later at the Picani's it turned out to double in the span of a few hours. 35,869.

Virgil gasped and closed his locker, the room was spinning. "I- I don't understand... what happened?"

Roman rolled his eyes playfully. "Well duh, you happened!"

Logan agreed and turned to post some new encouragement on the page. "People have been coming to this page for more inspiring posts so I've been drafting a few."

TheJanusProject: There's a place where we don't have to feel alone, and every time that you call out, you're a little less alone. If you only say the word, from across the silence your voice is heard. #YouAreNotAlone #YouWillBeFound

GeekingOut07: Repost. People need to see this.
TraitorsOfTime: This needs to be everywhere! Liked. Followed.
HonesTeaHour: People needed this, not just Janus, everyone!
JustinTime: Favorite.
NialB: Repost
HerasKids: Never alone, never forgotten. #YouWillBeFound #ThankYouVirgilSanders
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Virgil couldn't wrap his head around it. People were thanking him? Nono...

After school, Patton came up to him. "Your speech yesterday was really inspiring, Virgil. I... it was sweet." He leaned up and pecked him on the cheek. "I'm sorry for freaking out the other day it was... a lot... but I understand now."

"Y-you understand?" He hated how his voice cracked.

"Yeah... and even when the dark comes crashing through and when you need someone to carry you... when you're broken on the ground... you will be found."

The room was spinning. Everywhere he turned he was being thanked by strangers. Like it's good, people are getting the message, Janus was being remembered, this is what he wanted right? Well, whether it was wanted or not... this was what he was getting....

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