Chapter 47- three words

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Tap tap tap,
Creak, shuffle shuffle...

They're quick and quiet, but I don't miss it. I discretely look down the far hall with my eyebrows furrowed. Squinting through the darkness, I see a figure tiptoeing to another room... a feminine figure. Ji-won?

The person gives one more quick look around, and in that moment I see her face. Haru. What's she doing sneaking around?

She quietly turns the knob on the door in front of her, and enters the room.

I take a moment to think over the situation. Ji-won and Haru share a room, which I remember being down the opposite hall, so she just entered someone else's room.

I observe the door as best I can from afar. Wasn't that the solo room? Who was staying in there...? I try my best to remember, and then it hits me.

Yoongi's room. Haru's in there.

I have to restrain from laughing. So they're fucking, good for them. They're honestly really cute together. Ever since the old fortune teller lady mentioned them, I've been paying a little too much attention. I sigh. If only me and Ji-won were doing that well.

As I'm walking back to my room, I almost choke on the air I'm breathing as a realization hits me.

Ji-won is alone in her room.

I stop walking and think for a moment.

Maybe we can talk, and clear up our problems. There haven't been many opportunities to be alone with her recently, it could help us.

Haru and Yoongi are fucking.

I instantly slap myself and snap out of those thoughts. No, definitely not yet. I just want to talk. Should I even go? I don't want her to think I'm coming with other intentions.

But we really do need to talk, so before I can convince myself out of it, I walk up to her door, turning the knob and slowly walking inside, trying to be sneaky for some reason. I see she's asleep once I'm in. I should probably leave, but I just close the door behind me and sit next to her.

She looks so calm and content when she sleeps, it's relaxing to see. After a deep breath, I gently grab her shoulder and shake it a little.

"Ji-won, it's Jungkook."
"Song Ji-won."
"Baby." I grin lightly as I say the last name. I've been wanting to call her that for a while now. To my surprise, that's when she starts waking up.

"What?" She mutters, her eyes closed.

"I feel like we should talk."


"It's Jungkook."


"I'm in your room. We're alone. We're gonna talk." I say, getting slightly annoyed. When I say that though, her eyes blink open. She gasps when she sees me, rushing to sit up.

"Ah I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, I just-"

"There's something called a shirt you could probably use." She interrupts.

"Shh, that's not important right now. We need to talk."

She reaches for her phone on her side table. "At 1:30 in the morning?"

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