25 ; one hell of a guy

Start from the beginning

He never answered, just taking the pencil and erasing parts of my work. "Here's how to do it,"

I walked out of the school a good 3 hours later, a binder heavier than I had been when I came. It was obvious there was still a lot I didn't understand, so all of the tutors there were very willing to give me things to practice with on my own. And while I did, of course, appreciate it, I resented it also.

I was never told that I needed to complete it, but the thought of my exam grade dropping when the practice to fix it was right next to me was a little nerve-racking.

As I turned my key in the ignition, I instinctively turned my head to the passenger seat, ready to ask the meaningless question of whether or not Taeyong cared what was on the radio. But, I caught myself just as it switched on, the sound subconsciously reminding me that I didn't need to now.

"Your taste in music is," Taeyong had begun with this one day after school

"It's just.. so human-like." He'd admitted, catching my questioning glance as he tried to explain himself further. "I can't really explain it, but it's sort of like this is the kind of song that comes to mind when I think of a human."

"I'm trying to figure out if I should be offended by that or not,"

He'd gotten sort of flustered after that, telling me that he didn't mean it in that way. I remember just laughing and reassuring him that I knew what he meant.

Now, I just swallowed thickly and turned the radio up.


Taeyong's P.O.V

The room that Yeonghwan had told me to stay in reminded me significantly of a hospital. The floor was the same plain colour as his office's, but it didn't stop there. The walls, decorations, and even the bedsheets were all the same crisp white, with the occasional grey, brown, or black. It was so bad that it felt like I was seeing double every time I entered a room.

Thankfully, it was nice enough that if you didn't mind the colours, it was easy to treat as something like an apartment. A weird, monochromatic, locked up, apartment. But, I was here as a punishment after all, so it wouldn't be fair to expect anything else.

And it wasn't like I knew what to expect anyway.

It was like a never ending limbo of short naps, some meaningless conversations with myself in the mirror, or just hours spent just staring at the wall. Hell, if it weren't for the person that checked in on me every once and a while, I doubt I'd even remember to drink water. And for once, it was a blessing that I didn't need to eat.

I didn't think I was particularly bothering anyone with my fruitless routines, until Yeonghwan came in close to the evening of the second day, seeming a little jittery.

"Taeyong," he began, his adam's apple bobbing as he asked, "How are you?"

The question surprised me, as I thought it was quite obvious.

"I'm doing fantastic," I drawled, my eyes meeting his. "I feel like I've never had more time to myself,"

He decided to take my words as a joke, letting out a soft chuckle.

"That's good to hear. I guess you're a little bored here, huh?"

I shrugged. I think I'd kill myself if I had to stay here much longer, actually.

"A little,"

"Well, I came to tell you some good news then, I suppose. The council finally decided your due date. So, you'll be allowed to go back on the 30th, the day after tomorrow," He gave me a small smile as I returned it half-mindedly, relief blooming in my stomach at the thought.

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