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   Taehyung woke up to a groan. He flipped himself around to see Yoonji next to him, her hand reaching lazily for the clock on her phone. She mumbled 'Fuck school' under her breath as she pulled the blanket over her head.

   Last night they fell asleep on her bed while telling stories about their past. Turns out, Yoonji snuck a queen bed into their dorm window. Pretty comfy Taehyung will admit. She had also stolen it, well not just her. She distracted the workers as her friends took all the mattresses, acting shocked when they turned around to see a empty store. I mean, whose crazy enough to rob a mattress store...

       "Let's skip. People will send me the work and we can pretend we're sick." Yoonji pretended to cough, Taehyung smiled as he closed his eyes again.

   The second time he woke up it was because Yoonji threw a toothbrush at his face,

       "Humans need this shit, right?. I'm going back to bed, the toasters making waffles right now." She flopped on the bed again, scurrying under the sheets. Both of them felt like today just wasn't it. They wanted to stay inside, eat, and talk or see no one.

   The ding of the microwave went off and Yoonji rolled out of the bed, hitting her head on the night stand and staying down.

      "Yoonji, are you okay?" Taehyung whispered.

      "Tae..call 911...I just broke my leg" She laughed. Taehyung rolled to the side of the bed, checking if she was actually okay. Streaks of blood ran down her forehead and nose bridge,

      "Oh my god..you're actually bleeding dude"


   Taehyung and Yoonji wrapped themselves in blankets as they ate the warm waffles with their hands, the Nutella they spread on stuck to their fingertips. Taehyung had stuck on a HelloKitty bandage on Yoonjis forehead and nose, she didn't mind as long as no one else saw. 

       "I wish I could hibernate" Taehyung said as he chowed down the food.

       "That would be so lit, but imagine waking up with children. I don't think so hun" Yoongi licked Nutella off her thumb as she kept chewing. They were scrolling through movies on Netflix, Taehyung pointing at a good one they should watch.

"Omg yes! I fucking love Coraline!" Yoonji presses start on the movie as she went over to turn off the lights and close the blinds.

"Oh wait, do you mind me pausing it for a second? My roommates calling" Yoonji asked as she paused the movie and grabbed her ringing phone.

"Nah" he smiled as she left to another room. Has Jimin called me? I wonder if he wonders where I've been. He doesn't care, last time I check he was just a dumb vampire. Taehyung smiled to himself from the thoughts.

Yoonji came out of the room, running back to Tae.

"She just said that she's staying with her boyfriend and that the dorms all ours" Yoonji jumped onto the couch and wrapped herself in the fluffy blankets again, pressing play on the movie.

Yoonji was stroking Taehyungs hair softly as the animations continued. He was laying down on her lap after he got scared at one point, she didn't mind.

   Not many interruptions were made, just a few giggles and dumb comments about how ugly the second mother looked.

"So..what do you do all day?" Taehyung asked as they scribbled little people on a piece of paper.

"Well, I like to fly but you clearly have no wings. I eat...but everyone does that. Hmm...I hang out with my friends but their all busy now. I smoke but...yeah, just no. Welp, looks like I got no ideas." Yoonji said as she drew a dark hole in their drawing.

"What do I do once I see Jimin?" Taehyung finally asked the question that was bugging him, letting go of the pen and bringing his knees up to his chest.

"What do you mean?. Just greet him like you normally would, why are you overthinking it?" Yoonji glances up at him, she started to draw his lost face on the thin paper.

"I...I'm not sure...he messes with everyone, I don't know why I'm so...sad maybe? confused?. He doesn't care about me. I'm just a human in his world, another piece of meat to bite. I've been telling everyone we had sex with no emotions involved, but... is that true?. I don't know what I'm saying. I mean nothing to him. I am worthless in his eyes" Taehyung started to sound crazy in Yoonjis ears,

"Uhh...you good Tae?"

"No, I don't feel okay. He probably just pitted me, that's why he fucked me. He fucks everyone, how could I hallucinate?."

"Woah, back it up Taehyung. I think you need air...and water" Yoonji got up but Taehyung grabbed her wrist.

"Tell me I'm useless. Tell me that he doesn't care about me and I'm nothing in his eyes...please" Tears started to well up in his eyes, Yoonji dropped down next to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"You're going insane Kim Taehyung. You're not worthless in anyone's eyes, I don't know how you got that ridiculous idea. Yeah, Jimin might not give a fuck but he still cares about you. I mean if he didn't care, wouldn't you think that he would've already sucked all your blood?" The last comment made them both crack a weak smile.

"Yeah..I guess you're right.." Taehyung looked down at hands, remembering the day he sang to him on top of the tiny cliff as the moon stared back at them.

"Lets go to the store. I want some apple juice." Yoonji said as she walked into her room to change. He needed to get things off his mind.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Taehyung smiled as he saw Yoonji trying to jump up and get a pack of apple juice.

"Fuck you" she said as she finally got them off, throwing them into their tiny cart. They were walking towards the end of the aisle till three teenagers pulled up and blocked it. Taehyung didn't know them but their faces seemed oddly familiar. Yoonji froze up and turned the cart quickly, speed walking to the other end of the aisle till someone yelled out her name,

"Oh my god, is that Yoonji?" A girl with a loose ponytail said. Yoonji cursed under her breath, wondering if she should just keep going or turn back.

"Just keep walking dont turn ba-"


Yoonji grabbed the apple cartoons and Taehyungs hand, running towards the exit. Everyone screamed as she flew up into the air with Taehyung dangling and screaming.

"OH MY GOD YOONJI I-IM SCARED OF HIGHTS. WERE GONNA DIE. IM GONNA DIE. WE JUST STOLE APPLE JUICE" Taehyung screamed. His vision got darker each time he looked down, imagining that their grip would get loose.

"You'll be fine" Yoonji smiled. Suddenly, the screams that were coming from Taehyung stopped.

"Tae, you good?" She looked down to see that Taehyung had completely blacked out. His head was down and his body was dangling like a dolls.

we're almost towards the end boys. I've been working on THREE whole books so I forgot abt this one sksjkdjd. I'll try to update mOre :)))))))

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