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"NO FUCKING WAY!" Taehyung slammed his fist on the dorms door, he was furious.

When he was done taking a shower, he had done the usual and gone out the bathroom to get some clothes. But, he had heard a pound over at the kitchen.

   He walked over to see that Jimin didn't close the door when he walked out, making the door hit the wall multiple times. When he went to close it he tripped on his towel and the door locked behind him.

   Of course he blames it all on the one and only Park Jimin, not on his clumsiness. He had been attacking the door for a few minutes now, either waiting for it to be scared and open up or Jimin to come back with his spare keys. Suddenly, a demon peaked his head out of the next dorm room,

"Can you keep it down?" Hoseok tiredly said. His hair was messy and his shirt was off. He looked like he just woke up from a long long nap.

"Oh my god Hoseok! I forgot you and Yoongi live next door, can I come in?. I locked myself out of my dorm and I'm literally gonna die of hypothermia." Taehyung gave a hopeful smile.

"Yeah sure" Hoseok swung open the door and Taehyung walked in. The warm breeze hit his shivering body. Yoongi was on his phone sitting on the kitchen counter. Their dorm room looked much more different than Jimins and Taehyungs. Their walls were off white, posters and stickers were plastered all over. Their furniture was dark and the floors could barely be seen by the piles of clothes on the ground.

"Nice place" Taehyung amused.

"Damn Tae, I didn't know you worked out" Yoongi raised a brow. Hoseok rolled his eyes and mumbled a few words,

"Yeah Tae you're so hot" Hoseok snarled.

"Oh my god Hoseok can you just let me give a compliment. You know that you're the only one I love so why do u act like a little child?" Yoongi crosses his arms.

"I know I know, sorry" Hoseok sighed. He was cooking something on the stove, a delicious unfamiliar smell filling Taehyungs nose. Yoongi got down from the kitchen counter and hugged Hoseok from behind, Taehyung wanted to vomit from the cuteness.

"Anyways what are you doing here Tae? Wetting our floors with water huh?" Yoongi jokingly said. Taehyung explained what had happened, leaving both of them dying of laughter.

"HOW DO YOU TRIP ON YOUR OWN TOWEL AND LOCK YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR OWN DORM??" Hoseok yells out between laughs. Taehyung regretted telling the story, thinking that he should've just lied. After a few more minutes they settled down.

"Do you have any extra clothes I can borrow? At least like pants or something" Taehyung said, looking on the ground.

"As you can tell, all of our clothes are dirty except this one skirt that I have, but I wanna use it later just in case I have to go somewhere" Yoongi smiled.

"We're literally not going anywhere, you can give him the skirt. Also if we are you can just borrow my hoodie. You'll be fine" Hoseok convinced. Yoongi sighed and left the kitchen. He brought back a black crop top sweater and a fluffy plaid skirt,

"I thought you said everything was dirty" Taehyung said as Yoongi handed him the clothes.

"I lied" Yoongi pushed Taehyung into a tiny bathroom.

This ones short but I am uploading chapters 26 (this one) and 27 together 🤠 I'm scared marty...also I can't stick to a schedule 😔

My Vampire Roommate (vmin)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें