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"lovers and friends"

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"lovers and friends"

There was a knock at the door, pulling me away from the living room television. I wasn't expecting any company, and Keisha was gone, as usual, so I was cautious when it came to opening the entrance to my home. I peered through the peephole, only finding a plethora of flowers rather than a face.

I opened the door, realizing that the carrier of the bouquet was none other than Marlo Alexander. Butterflies awakened within me at the sight of him while a grin etched itself onto my face. "Marlo, what a surprise!" my voice placed my pleasant surprise on full display.

"Hey, Quinn. I got you these," he held the bouquet up higher only for a second before I invited him into the home I shared with Keisha.
"Yeah, they're beautiful. Come on in, and I'll show you where to put them," I widened the door so he could walk in. I led him to the living room, once the door was closed and had him set the vase in which the flowers were stationed on the coffee table.

"So, what's the occasion for these beautiful roses?" I inquired, taking note of the light pink color of them all.
"Well, I heard that you made a police report, and I just wanted to drop by and remind you that I'm in your corner," he nodded.

"Thanks for your support, Marlo," I smiled sweetly at him.
"You know it's nothing, Quinn. I'm glad you finally went to the police about it," he nodded.

"Yeah," was all I said, taking a step toward him. "Maybe we can grab dinner to celebrate. It's not much of a victory, but it's a step. That counts, right?" I battled my eyelashes and continued giving a flirty smile.

"Uh, I'd love to, Quinn, but I don't think that'd be the right call," Marlo shook his head with a cordial smile.
"Oh, why not?" I stepped closer with my hands finding the back pockets of my jeans.

"It'll be late soon," he took a small step back.
"Come on, Lo," I chuckled, finding his excuse unconvincing.
"Nah, Quinn, really. I'm good," he nodded.
"Maybe next time then," I tried not to let my smile falter.
"Maybe," his smile was tight-lipped.

His withdrawn nature frustrated me, especially since he was keeping me at arm's distance both physically and verbally.

"Okay, well, get home safe. Call me," I pulled him into a hug before he could place more distance between us. My arms were wrapped around his neck as I inhaled his cologne and reveled in his closeness. He briefly returned my hug, patting my back only three times before his embrace dissolved.

"Come on, Lo. Don't give me that sorry shit," I chuckled. "Give me a real hug."

He reluctantly wrapped his arms around my waist, his embrace not as tight as I would've liked, but hey, beggers can't be choosers. "Take care of yourself, Quinn. If you need me, you know how to reach me," he murmured.

"Thank you, Marlo. . . You've always been so good to me," I allowed my eyes to close while continuing to hold him close.

My moment of bliss didn't last long, seeing as though he began placing distance between us once more. "Marlo, wait," I sighed, my arms sliding off of him as he backed away from me.

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