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"green monsters"

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"green monsters"

"Yeah, your shorty's trippin', man," Money chuckled before puffing on his blunt.

"Nah, she just. . . she's just a lil' jealous," I shrugged before smirking the slightest bit. "I think it's kinda' cute."
"Yeah, it's cute until she's poppin' up on you while you're on the block, sellin' dope," Red muttered while eating a bag of potato chips.
"She ain't crazy, if that's what you're tryna' say," I glanced over at my childhood friend, my annoyance apparent on my face.

"She probably is. That's why she ain't got a man already," Money cackled.
"Fuck you, man," I mean mugged him.

"There's always a possibility, Rock. You never know, man," Red shrugged.
"Yeah, and you know you got a tendency to lead these hoes on, man," Money added on.
"Don't call her that. The next time you say some shit like that, I'm cracking your skull. Capeesh?" I stated with a cold expression on my face.

"Whatever, man," he muttered.
"Yo, I'm dead serious, Marcus. Don't call her that again. You understand?" I glanced over at him.
"Yeah, man. . . I don't know why you're gettin' your panties in a bunch. All these bitches are the same anyway," he shrugged.

"Sit down, Rocky, and shut the fuck up before I sock you in the face my damn self, Money," Red instantly halted me from getting up from my seat and proceeded to scold Marcus.

"Get your mans, Red. If he doesn't start showin' some respect soon, I'm gonna be putting my fist through his face," I muttered.
"Aw, shut up. You're not even remotely this defensive when it comes to Ava," Money pointed out.
"That's because Ava ain't my girl," I retorted.

"Y'all been fuckin' since we were kids, man. That's yo' girl, Rocky," Marcus nodded.
"Good point, Money. . . and you shouldn't come to a woman's defense just because that's your lady, Rocky. You should do it regardless," Red added his input, maintaining his role as the voice of reason.

"Besides, you and Ava gotta' have somethin' there. Y'all been doin' this lil' friends with benefits thing since we were nineteen," Red shrugged.
"That's a long time to be fuckin' somebody and not have some kind of deeper connection with them," Money mumbled.

"The fuck do you know about deeper connections, Marcus?" I asked.
"Hey! You learn a few things being a player— I'll just say that," he replied, sounding as if he didn't want to go into detail for whatever reason.

I simply rolled my eyes. "Whatever, man," I mumbled.
"He has a point, Rock. Y'all got more than sex goin' on. . . I mean, y'all have known each other for years, and technically, she's the only girl you've been with consistently," Red pointed out.

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