Chapter 1: Food Chaos

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Inside the cafeteria of Beacon Academy, Axel, Tadeo, and The Team RWBY are sitting together while Blake looks at some notes. While Axel and Tadeo, with a mechanical pencil in hand, and a few books around them, working on their notebooks in a hurried way. While Rebecca and Airis were sitting next to the JNPR Team.

Tadeo: Why does this thing have to be so much?

Axel: Maybe because .. WE DECIDED TO DO IT LAST MINUTE !!

Tadeo: Do not remind me !.

Tadeo shook his head with fury and disapproval at the same time, looking at the book and pointing in his notebook at an incredible rate. Yang looks curiously at these two rushing to write.

Yang: It's not about interrupting, but can you know what you're doing?

Axel decides to answer Yang at the same time that he writes.

Axel (writing): Do you remember the essay that you left us a few days ago?

Yang: Yes

Axel: Well that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish this.

After that Axel quickly returns to focus on finishing his essay.

Yang: Bored ...

Yang then slips next to Blake ..

Yang: What are you doing?

Blake: nothing. Only reviewing notes of the last semester.

Yang, out of nowhere, suddenly catches a grape in his mouth.

Rebecca laughs as she continues throwing grapes to Yang with her spoon while Nora passes her the fruits. Rebecca launches another one and Yang catches the fruit with ease, giving Rebecca the thumbs up. It's been months since the problems at the docks and the dust thefts that used to happen at Vale seemed to calm down a bit. In those months Yang ended up learning about Axel and Ruby's Relationship, which she accepted without any problem, but after a while she ended up telling everyone about their relationship.

Just then, Ruby entered, giving a huge tug while hitting a folder on the table, catch everyone off guard and for his lunch to jump one foot off the table before falling again, spilling all its contents in his face. Although it seems that Axel and Tadeo are not imputed to this.

Yang: Boys will be better off eating their food before it gets cold.

Axel: There will be time for that later! Right now this is more important.

When Axel looked up to answer Yang, he looked at Ruby next to a large folder.

Axel: Emmm ... What's that, Rubes?

He looked over the table and on the cover of the folder is written "Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee." This has been hastily crossed out with a red pen, and with the same pen, a new title, "Activities of the best day", has been written below. Clarifying her throat, Ruby gestures to everyone at the table.

Ruby: Sisters ... friends ... Boyfriend ... Weiss.

Weiss: Hey!

Airis / Rebecca: Burn! ~

They both screamed mockingly as they laughed. Axel blushed a little at the mention of Ruby being her boyfriend, although that did not really bother him.

Axel: Do you really have to announce to everyone that we're dating?

Ruby: Why not? I love you enough to do it. Now, where was I? Oh yeah. Four hours and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.

Yang: This should be good.

Then he takes another berry from his table that Rebecca threw in his mouth, and Yang nodded approvingly to his tasting.

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