Detention #2

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Heyoo, so I realized I haven't been adding alot of drarry so far, sorry about that. I'll try adding drarry in more often or later into the story. And omy holy merlin I haven't uploaded for a while.

Snape Pov

I heard the knock on my door and murmurmed a small 'enter' to let the Potter brat inside for his second detention with me. He's going to be cleaning cauldrons again, except this time the cauldrons have some even more nasty ingredients. I watched as he came inside the classroom and waited for my instructions. "Mr. Potter, today you will be doing the same thing as yesterday, cleaning cauldrons." I waited for an angry reaction but all he did was merely nod and head towards the cauldron. I can't tell if I'm happy that he's not putting up a fight or angry that he's actually obeying me. He's alot   more...Disciplined than I thought.

>>Time skip brought to you by a flying Dobby with a sock on his head<<

"Mr. Potter your detention is done so you may leave now. You won't have another detention with me unless you do something to cause another detention with me, am I clear?" "Yes sir..." As I was about to sit down and rethink all my life choices, I saw something on Potter's back as he was leaving. I looked a little closer as he left and noticed there were...Bloody wounds? Why in Merlin are there wounds on his back?! I don't know if I'll like to know the answer to that question but I'm going to inspect him closer from now on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not stalking him. I'm just observing my student and...Keeping Lily's promise to take care of her child...

Harry Pov

I just got back to my dorm and changed into some comfty pj's when Draco came up to me and asked me to stand up all of a sudden. I questioned why but nonetheless I still stood up. He suddenly carried me bridal style amd started walking around a little. "Draco what in the world are you doing?!" I managed to squeak those words out but they were muffled since I was hiding my head in my hands. Draco chuckled and simply said "Wow, you're really light Harry! You really need to eat more or else you'll become a skeleton!" My face was so hot for some reason and I realized I was blushing. "Draco put me down for goodness sake, I'll eat more but just put me down please!" He smirked and I can already tell that is NOT a good look. Suddenly he lifted me into the air and ran to the bathroom. "Harry, can I do your hair pleeeeaaaseee!" I refused and tried to get out of his grasps. "But Harry, your hair is so wild and messy, I'm sure it would look better if I can just style it up a bit!" I just shook my head and finally escaped his grips. I escaped to the common room and hid in the Great Hall where everyone was eating dinner. "Draco soon came in a few minutes after me but I was faster and sneakier so I snuck around him. "Harry get your arse over here so I can put my favorite gel on you which is expensive I'll have you know!" I snuck back into the hallways and without knowing ended up on the third floor corridor. I decided to look around a bit since I realized I've never been to this part of the school and why not? I was just walking around but there was a really disgusting odor coming from around the corner. I was about to leave when I heard a bang and turned around only to see a giant troll staring at me. Right as I was about to escape, it started trying to smash me with its club as I tried to dodge all of his attacks. The troll made a big roar and soon half the school was rushing down to see what's happening. I decided why not put on a show for the school..? "Sssylvian, are you awake? If you're awake can you come out? Slyvian slowly slithered out of my pocket and slithered around my wrist. "What doesss Masster Harry need from Sssylvian?" "I need you to distract that ugly troll over there for me, can you do that?" Sylvian bobbed her head up and down to indicate her answer before she smoothly slithered up to the troll. By now, the entire school was watching including the teachers. The troll stupidly chased Sylvian while I quietly muttered the spell. One of the teachers was about to step in but he quckly stepped back when he saw the troll stomping his way closer to us. "Impedimenta Relashio!" The spell hit the troll right in the chest and it quickly stopped in it's tracks and fell down. Everyone was looking at me as if I just fell from the ceiling or something. "Harry come with me to my office right now!" Dumbledoof didn't let me  retaliate since he literally grabbed my wrist and led me to his office. "Professor Snape, Quirrel and McGonagall, please come with me." When eveyone entered the headmasters office and sat down, well almost everyone since Snape refused to sit down. "Mr. Potter what is the meaning of this?! I thought you would know better than to go to the third corridor that we specifically instructed not to go in! Why were you in the third corridor hallway in the first place?" Everyone turned to me to hear my reasoning as to why. "In all honesty professor, I didn't even know I was in the third corridor hallway until I was actually walking around in there. If you don't want students to go in there, you should make a barrier or at least have a guard watch over the area. But then again, why would you keep something dangerous in the school in the first place, isn't safety like the #1 priority in here? And the fact that a dangerous troll which could have killed someone was wandering around the corridor just adds to my point!" All 4 adults were staring at me and I could see that they were thinking about my words that just came out of my mouth. "Mr. Potter I advise you to stay quiet while we discuss your punishment!" Dumbledoof was red in the face and looked like he was going to murder Mrs. McGonagall when she said I had a point. As I was about to speak up again someone burst through the door and I was kind of shocked to see who it was...

OOF i havent uploaded in forever
NEXT UPDATE WILL BE 2/15/19 (Friday) :)

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