Smol chat with Voldyshorts

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Sorry for not updating as much, skool started and it's already murdering me :/(ik i should'nt use that as an excuse but i'll try to update more often ʔ•̫͡•ʕ)

Dumbledore's Pov

Hmm...The detention went surprisingly well. I thought for sure the Potter boy was gunna throw the biggest fit and try to make Snape suffer. It was a lot more normal than I thought but that's not how it was supposed to turn out! Potter was supposed to throw a temper tantrum or drive Snape crazy, he was supposed to make Snape hate him even more! Well at least he has detention again tomorrow...I still need to somehow gain access to his vaults which I'm starting to think is impossible. The goblins refuse to help me and even went so far as to accuse me of theft! Can you believe that?! I am the great Albus Dumbledore, and they dare defy my orders? I'll just have to speak to them tomorrow and knock some sense into them, That'll show 'em whose boss!

Harry's Pov

I have three words to describe how I feel right now...I. AM. FURIOUS..! I just rememmbered I have detention with that nasty professor and my whole entire mood went from I'm feeling fine to, I'm going to crucio you to death. It's currently 5:30 pm and I'm eating dinner with Draco but I can't help but wonder what the Dark Lord is doing...It wouldn't hurt to ask right? I mean technically, he's my equal or accomplice, whatever you want to call it and he never said that I couldn't chat with him for awhile. I still have about an hour before my detention with proffesor Snape so I don't want to take to long.

I quickly got up from my seat and reassured Draco I was going to a teacher for some questions which is true if you think about it. As I was walking down to his classroom, I overheard the mudblood and weasel talking about...A three headed dog??? I'm pretty sure those are very rare and from what I heard, the dog is guarding something in the school. That's probably the reason why Dumbledore doesn't want us to go into the 3rd corridor. Eh, I'll talk to Voldyshorts about it once I see him and yes I did just call him Voldyshorts 'cause why not? I knocked on the door three times and entered when I head a "come in..."

Voldyshorts Pov ;)))

It seems the boy wanted to come and chat with me for awhile because he just came into my room asking what the bloody hell a three headed dog is called. I can't exactly tell if he's up to something or just wanted to learn about it but either way, I still get a feeling I probably shouldn't tell him. Why would he possibly want to know what a three headed dog is called which is a Cerberus and what does he plan to do with the knowledge of a Cerberus if I tell him. It wouldn't hurt to just tell him what it's name is... right?? "It's called a cerberus and why do you need to know? Why are you even here in the first place?" I looked up from my paperwork to glance at him.

"I heard some mudblood and weasel talking about it on the 3rd corridor...It sounded interesting so I wanted to do a little reseach on it." Wait...In the third corridor there's a cerberus? I'm going to have to look into that since that could help me find what I'm looking for..."Anyways, I have detention with professor Snape in 45 minutes and I just thought it would be nice to stop by." I was shocked to be honest because last time I checked, people were scared of me (aka the dark lord) and cowered in fear just by hearing my name and here you have a 12 year old boy, stopping by to just chat with that person. "I'm busy, go chat with Lucius's son or one of your other friends." I saw him pout and grumble something about...moldyshorts??? He said a quick goodbye and left the room so I can finish up my work. I don't think I'll ever get used to that boy and if I ever do, it's probably because I'm expecting the unexpected at that point. Now back to that cerberus he was talking about, I'll have to thoroughly investigate about that later...

Harry's pov

Well this sucks. Voldyshorts pretty much just kicked me out and I already did all my homework which leaves me with not too many options on what to do. I know! I'll go visit the Gryffindor common room and dormitories, I haven't been there yet. I went to the stairs that lead to Gryffindor and greeted the old lady with too much makeup on her. I don't know the password...Maybe I can just sweet talk her to letting me in like when I went to take revenge on the weasel. Just as I was about to speak to her, a boy said the password and told me to come in. "Hello, my name's Neville Longbottom! What's yours?" He looked like a kind boy but you can never be too sure...

"Hello, my name is Harry Potter, nice to meet you. He suddenly turned bright red and became all flustered for some reason. "oh my merlin, your Harry Potter! N-nice to meet you too! Go ahead inside I-I'm going to the common room, goodbye!" Woa, he needs to calm down a bit. At least he was polite unlike some people. I stepped inside and found the rooms covered in red and gold or a shimmery yellow. As soon as I stepped inside, I was literally blinded by the bright colors that were attacking my eyes. Next time I come in here, I'll make sure to bring sunglassess. Everything seems normal, I saw a pair of redheaded twins playing a prank on someone else. They seemed fun to hangout with, maybe I should talk to them. "Hello, I don't mean to intrude or anything but may I join you two?" They looked at me for a second and next thing I know they were shaking my hand and spinning me around...

"Of course you can mate!"
"You're always welcome to join us weasleys-
"It's nice to have company and-
"Why would we deny the great Harry Potter?"
They were finishing each other's sentences and I couldn't help but giggle at that. "May I know your names then?"
"Sure, this over here is my brother Fred or George-
"You'll have to find out whose Fred and whose George for yourself-
"And we are the weasley twins, but most people call us Forge-
"Or Gred, it's your choice which one you decide to call us by-
"Pleasure to meet you!"

"Well Forge and Gred, the pleasure is all mine! Why don't we play some wizard chess or something?" They looked at eachother and nodded and before I knew it, it was already 6:37 PM and I needed to get to Snape's detention. "I had lot's of fun, hopefully I'll see you soon, bye!" I waved goodbye and they waved goodbye to me and I leaped down the stairs, heading to professor Snape's classroom. I sighed when I finally reached his door, a feeling of dread came over me and I suddenly felt like it was gunna be a long day...

1253 words T_T
Imma try to update more and thanks for the encouraging comments and messsges ♥️
Means alot to me since this I'm still a beginner at this, anyways i'll stop wasting ur time now lol
Bauii ・ω・

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