Day 2 of classes

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Harry's Pov

Today I have Defence Against the Dark Arts which I'm pretty excited for because I personally think it's a very interesting subject. Draco and I walked to class together and sat down in one of the seats in the middle of the class. More students started to pile in when we sat down. I was just talking with Draco when suddenly the red haired boy from yesterday started talking REALLY loud. "I bet you the Potter brat is going to be the next dark lord! He's a twat just like 'he who must not be named' and I bet he plans to torture other students too! Did you see the way he hurt Hermione?!"

That's when I decided to speak up. "Honestly can you shut up? I thought after leaving you in the Great Hall with wet pants would be enough shame to put on you but I guess not." I focused my magic on him as I stalked closer to the boy. "Now if you can simply shut that loud and obnoxious mouth of yours, I would appreciate it." After I said that, my magic pushed him to a wall and made him squirm because it made him feel as if he was slowly being choked. I went back to my seat and just as I sat down, Proffesor Quirrel walked in and began class. In all honesty, I can't help but feel as if there's something wrong with Proffesor Quirrel and that he's hiding something big...Whatever, I'll figure it out some other time because right now, I really need to get to Astronomy.

>>Time skip brought to you by hagrid dancing in a tutu<<

Third person Pov

Harry and Draco were currently waiting patiently outside where they were going to have flying lessons with Madam Hooch. "Alright everyone, I think you all know what you're going to be learning today so let's get started. I want everyone in front of a broom and once you have found one say the words "up" and put your hand out. If successful, the broom will land in your hand. Any questions? No, okay good. Get started class!

Third person Pov

Harry and Draco were unsurprisingly able to get it on the first try. Madam Hooch only allowed them to fly 5 feet high for safety precautions even though Harry and Draco could go higher than that. Once class was over, they ate dinner and went back to their dorms. Tomorrow, Harry would be sitting in Ravenclaw and he seemed very curious what it would be like. Today, Harry didn't forget his dreamless sleep potion and went to sleep peacefully. Poor Harry didn't know what plans were being made for him as a certan headmaster stayed awake...He was only 12 and yet he had to suffer the nasty consequences of the world...

474 words :S
Criticism is always welcome and pls help me grow as a writer! I haven't posted lately because I wasn't feeling very motivated but I'll make sure to post on Monday or Tuesday

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