The boy in the shadows

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Harry's Pov

It is currently 5:45 AM and I'm trying to figure out what to do for my plan of revenge. Sure I got revenge on the Weasel and I know a snake bite doesn't sound that bad but I haven't explained what the snake bite's going to do to Weaselbee. Since my snake is a powerful hybrid, it's bite tends to differ depending on what it wants to do with its prey. It can torture it's prey by making the victim feel as if it's been hit with 100 crucio's, kill the prey almost immediately and my favorite part...Drain almost any magical creatures magic! It starts off as a small tingle, but as time passes the victim will start feeling very paranoid. They will soon see that their magic is weakening and they are losing control and power over their magic.

Once their magical core has grown weak and damaged, they will only have the mere power of a squib. I made sure that Sylvians bite wouldn't leave him as a squib though. Instead, I made sure that Sylvian only bit a small area behind his neck which will drain his magic but not to the point he would be a squib. Now back to what I was saying, yes I got the first part of revenge on the weasel but it doesn't mean I'm finished. I haven't gotten revenge on the mudblood or dumbledork. I thought of some ideas but ran out of time as my alarm went off signaling that it was 6:30. I woke Draco up and headed for the bathroom to get the day started. I started to walk to the great hall with Draco and sat down next to him and Blaise. I couldn't sleep last night because the feeling of being watched made me feel kind of nautious and prevented me from sleeping...

Draco's Pov

I was eating breakfest peacefully, enjoying the nice silence until I realized Harry has been playing with his food the entire breakfest. "What's wrong Harry? You haven't eaten anything and you look a little pale today." Instead of a verbal reply that I was hoping for, he just shrugged and continued to play with his food. "Harry can you at least eat some mash potato? Or drink some pumpkin juice please?" I watched as he sighed and grudgingly drank some pumpkin juice. I was glad he was at least getting something into his stomach. The bell soon rang and we both went to our first class together. Harry's behavior is worrying me and I'm curious as to what might've caused this weird attitude.

Once we sat down I tried speaking with him to try and uplift the mood or get him to feel better. "Harry, are you alright? You know you can tell me when something's wrong right? I'm here for you if you need me so please let me know if something's bothering you." I was determined to let Harry know that I had his back. "Thank you Draco...Right now isn't the best time to talk so how about we talk later when were at our dorms? Please don't worry too much about me Draco but I appreciate it." I was pleased with his reply and decided to wait until later in our dorms to ask him again. When the bell rang I went to my classes so Harry and I part ways.

Harry's Pov

I felt a lot lighter when Draco told me that I can count on him and I decided to pull myself together. I was heading to potions when I saw something in the corner of my eye...There was a boy who looked like me except more taller and older hiding in the shadows. Before I got the chance to speak to him, he quickly ran away and if I didn't know any better, it looked like he was...Crying? I wonder who he was and why he looked like me so much...Eh, I'll just shrug it off for now. I have detention with Professor Snape later and I'm dreading for it to come. Hopefully it won't be too bad or anything. The bell soon rang and Professor McGonagall gave us our homework assignment as we left. Maybe food will make me feel better...

Snape's Pov

GAH! THAT STUPID HEADMASTER ASSIGNED POTTER TO ME FOR DETENTION! I don't know if I should be happy or angry at the headmaster. I'm happy since I get to teach the boy a lesson but at the same time, it means I have to spend extra time with him alone. Come to think of it his behavior is very...Interesting. He flinches at almost anything and never looks me in the eyes.. I'll have to investigate but who am I kidding? He's the boy who lived! I bet he has everything he has ever wanted so far in life because he's a spoiled and arrogant spawn of James Potter! But his eyes...At least a piece of Lily is still within him. The lunch bell is about to ring so I better get going, Potter's detention is at 6:45 PM so I'll be seeing him in a couple hours.

<< time skip brought to you by a twirling Snape in a shiny tut-"AVADA KEDAVRA!" >>

Harry's Pov

It is currently 6:40 PM and I am heading to the potions classroom for my detention with Proffesor Snape. When I got to the door I knocked three times and heard a "enter" signaling me to come inside. Once inside, I immediately lowered my gaze because back in the Dursleys house, eye contact will only get you a bigger punishment. "Mr. Potter, for your detention you will be scrubbing cauldrons until they're shiny and I will not accept it if they even have a spot of filth on it. Do you understand?" I nodded and made my way over to the cauldrons to start scrubbing them. I grabbed a towel that was laying beside one of the cauldrons and got some water to start cleaning. About an hour or two later, I finished and Professor Snape came to check the cauldrons. My hands were slightly burning by the time I was finished and I just wanted to go back to my dorm so I can heal them.

"Potter, you may go but you will be having another detention with me tomorrow at the same time." I was angry when he said that but I kept my mask on and just replied with a quick "yes sir" so I can get out already. Once I was back in my dorm room, Draco bombarded me with questions and I answered all of then turthfully. "Harry can you tell me about your behavior in the morning? You had me really worried..." I apologized to him and told him it was because of lack of sleep. I was technically saying the truth but just not all of it. "Alright Harry but make sure your taking care of yourself, alright?" I nodded and changed into my pajamas. It was 9:49 and I already finished all my homework so I decided to sleep and get some rest which I really needed. At least the creepy feeling of being watched isn't here...

Snape's Pov

The Potter boy's detention just ended and I decided to give him another detention cause why not? I was expecting him to yell back and say something about it not being fair but instead he just nodded. Maybe he doesn't have James arrogance but he's still a brat. In all honesty, I was shocked when I looked at the cauldrons because I was expecting them to still be dirty or at least some specks of dust to be on them. The cauldrons were sparkling and shining, literally. Even I don't get my cauldrons to become that shiny and sparkly. One thing that keeps bugging me is that he never looks people in the eyes and always flinches when I come near him. I'll just watch him more carefully to see if anything's wrong.  I'm not worried, I'm simply looking over Lily's child. Totally not worried at all, I don't know what people are thinking but I'm only doing it for Lily. Yup, only for Lily...

Oki bai

Sikkeee boiiiiii ok bye lmao

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