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I'm working on another story right now so forgive me if I'm a bit late on my updates ToT

Draco Pov

I was about to enter the headmasters office when suddenly...BAM! I turned around and saw ginger red hair mixed with bushy brown hair. Before I could even see what all the commotion was, a body fell on me and made me trip. As I was falling down, my body forced the headmasters office open and I fell right through it along with the 2 other knuckle heads. I looked up and found all the proffesors in the room staring at us as if we were Voldemort or something.

I looked behind me to find the mudblood and blood traitor right behind me. The red head was the one who fell on me which caused me to enter the headmasters office. I don't have a specific clue as to what they're doing here but I have a slight idea about what they were doing. I'm pretty sure the mudblood was planning on attacking me because I saw her stance and position was in a battle type of position. Meanwhile the blood traitor looked just as confused as I was so I'm assuming he was just curious as to what the mudblood was doing. It's either that or their plan to attack me failed and he was also confused what happened.

Harry Pov

What the quack is happening? Draco just landed gracefully on the headmasters ground with Granger and Weasley right behind him. The only difference was that the other two were in a very...Awkward and interesting position. (Weasley fell and landed in a yoga position while Granger looked like a tangled octopus.) I'm guessing Draco also doesn't understand what happened from the confused look that's sprouting on his face. There was a dead silence until the headmaster finally spoke.

Hermione Pov

DINGUS! THAT BLOODY DINGUS! Everything was going according to my plan until Ron showed up and distracted me. I was supposed to cast a body binding spell and then silence him with duct tape but NOoOoooO! Ron just had to show up at the worst time possible and made me lose focus of what I was doing. I was about to cast the body binding spell but Ron suddenly went in front of me and I never got to cast my spell! Out of shock I stumbled on top of him and he stumbled onto Malfoy, which led to Malfoy falling through the door. THAT GIT RON IS SO GOING TO PAY!

Ron pov

In all honesty I have no idea what just happened. I'm just as confused as everyone else, I just wanted to see what Hermione was doing so I went in front of her and asked what she was doing. She grew all pale and stumbled on top of me and then I stumbled on that nasty rich kid, Malfoy. All I wanted was to see what Hermione was doing and eat some more food, but what I got left with was a angry Hermione whose probably going to rip my head off after we explain what happened.

Dumbledore Pov

WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE THESE BARBARIC KIDS DOING?! First I have a 12 year old kid who fought a troll by himself and now I have three other students who just barged into my office and all landed on the floor. I could really use a lemon drop right now but I need to hear an explanation from them first! This will definetly not go unpunished...At least I can take plenty of points off of slytherin since Malfoy seems to be caught up in this mess.

Harry Pov

"Would anyone care to explain..?" Proffesor Snape was making his voice lower than usual which never meant anything good. "U-uhmmm, Proffesor Snape we uhhh just erm, wanted to visit..." Granger was literally trembling and looked like she might puke. "Proffesor Snape, I don't exactly understand what's going on either. I was about to knock on the door and ask if I could speak with the headmaster but then these other students (insert Draco's sneering face here) fell on top of me causing my body to push the door open. I really don't know what they're doing here but I do hope I can hear their explanation as well" Draco said.

Granger and Weasley's face paled dramatically as they looked at each other, then looked away. "Draco, you can speak to the headmaster later, as to Granger and Weasley...I want a thorough explanation for what you're doing. This time Granger spoke up. "Proffesor Snape, I was going to ask the headmaster a question as well and I must have bumped into Malfoy on accident..." The proffesor looked at Ron next, signaling him to explain. "Proffesor Snape I was just following Hermione when she was walking towards Malfo-I mean the headmasters office. Ron was also trembling as he spoke and The proffesor wore a grim expression on his face.

"Severus, I thank you for speaking to them but I will handle the situation now. Ms. Granger and Mr Weasley merely tripped which was obviously an accident but Mr. Malfoy should've known better than to barge in like that. 30 points from slytherin shall be reducted as a punishment. I was growing red in the face from how the headmaster was treating the slytherins. "Headmaster, I tripped because Weasley fell on me but apparently that's unnacceptable? Those two have also fallen and if it weren't for their clumsiness I wouldn't have fallen in and barged into here in the first place. If I didn't know better I would think you're playing favourites!" I was secretly cheering Draco on.

Suddenly Proffesor McGonagall spoke up. "I agree with young Mr. Malfoy, 30 points all because he fell from other students clumsiness is a very unreasonable punishment! I've never loved Proffesor McGonagall more than now. "I agree with Proffesor Mcgonagall, not because Malfoy's one of the students in my house, but because I think this is a very unfair punishment" Proffesor Snape said. The headmaster had a calculating look and then eventually spoke. "Alright, I apolgize for my unreasonable punishment then and I will add 30 points to make it the same amount as earlier.

"Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Weasley, you're all dismissed to your common rooms. Harry, we still must decide your punishment so I want you to stay put. Mrs. Mcgonagall can you walk the students to their destined common rooms and make sure they stay put?" Mrs. McGonagall curtly nodded and ushered the students out of the room. " Now continuing on as to what we were originally doing. Mr Potter, for now I think another detention with Proffesor Snape for 2 weeks is reasonable. I think we can all agree that today has been rather tiring, with that being said, everyone's dismissed..."

Voldemort Pov

Well that was certainly interesting...I thought it was going to be a normal hogwarts day, well as normal as it can get. It seems Potter had plenty of other plans to ruin the word 'normal'. Putting that aside, I've never seen that spell he used to attack the troll before. I'll have to question him about it later but for now, I need to find some unicorn blood. It will help me get stronger and quicken the process of getting a body so I must be quick. If Potter's on my side, I'm pretty sure we have won this war already but it's better to be safe than sorry...

1261 Words! ^_^
I'm working on a TOMARRY story and will be publishing it once I finish the first two chapters.
Cya next time

*Hagrid in a pink tutu hands you your hogwarts letter*

"Welcome to hogwarts, where we dance with magic!"

*Hagrid twirls away to give the next student their hogwarts letter*

Alright bye lol

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