the mirror of erised

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Idk if u guys read this but I feel like I should at least let you know that I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR COMMENTS!! :D

Harry Pov

What's he even doing? Why is there a mirror literally in the middle of nowhere? I'm seriously so confused right now. "Ahh...Hello Harry, why don't you come take a look at this special mirror? It's called the mirror of erised and it shows you your hearts deepest desires." Ok, first of all how did he even know I was here, he didn't even turn around. Second of all, do I have to?? I'd rather go and start researching this Flamel guy. Well, I guess that's gunna have to wait since my legs are already walking me towards the mirror. "Headmaster Dumbled(ick)ore, what do you see in the mirror?" He gave me a sideways glance and said something about socks. I wasn't really paying attention because my eyes widened from what I saw in the mirror.

My family was hugging me, Draco was holding my hand, and what shocked me the most was a young boy that looked like a mix of Draco and I. He had Draco's platinum blonde hair and my avada kedavra green eyes. He had a sense of elegance surrounding him with an adorable button nose held high. I was shocked and for some reason, my chest felt so warm while looking at this. There was something that I saw in the corner of the mirror...It was the same boy I saw from before that looked like he was crying. (If you're confused, go to the chapter titled "the boy in the shadows" It's in the fifth paragraph) Except in the mirror, he looks, well how do I say this? Accomplished? Happy? Oh, I know! He looks so relieved, as if all the problems he had just faded away. That's weird...I haven't even met him, so why was he showing up in my hearts deepest desires?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a poking in my head. Can that headmaster get any more annoying? I tore my eyes away from the mirror and thought about some normal memories from yesterday in class for the headmaster to see while I strengthen my occlumency walls. I watched as his face twisted to one of anger for not being able to get any useful information out of my head. Ugghh, this is going to be a looooong night...

Dumbledoof pov

This brat's memories are more boring than Hagrid talking about how adorable fluffy is...I don't think I'll be getting anything out of him today but oh well, I need to get on this boy's good side quickly so he's easier to manipulate! Maybe if I talked about his parents he'll open up to me more and think of me as some kind of father figure or something. Well here goes nothing...

Harry Pov

"Harry my boy...Your parents were some of the most interesting people I've met but I don't regret meeting them a single bit! It's a shame they left this world but I'm sure everything had a reason as to why it's like this. Just know that I care about you and you can always come to me for I will welcome you with welcoming arms." Does this guy know how to shut up and leave me alone? "It really is a tragedy they left but I'm sure they're looking after me, now if you excuse me professor I'm going to go back to my dorms." I can research about that flamel guy later, for now I'm getting away from here!

Third person Pov

Harry quickly ran to the slytherin dorms since he wanted to tell Draco about what he learned. When he opened Draco's dorm room it looked as if Draco was sketching something. Harry watched curiously before deciding to actually speak up and stop stalking him. He creeped up beside Draco and whispered "Whatcha doooin'?" At that exact moment, Draco jumped and fell out of his seat looking like a disfigured ferret because of the weird position he landed in. He landed with a thud and an "oof" quickly came along with it. He got up and looked at Harry with a "Are you fluffing kidding me?" look. Harry strait away just got to the point and said "we need to research a guy names Nicolas Flamel."

Draco pretended to be hurt and said "not even an are you okay? No apology?" Harry just looked at Draco with the "shut tf up or I'm going to shove panini's up your ass" type of look and Draco got the hint. They quickly made up a plan to put into action tomorrow since it had already passed 9:30 PM. Harry was about to go to his bed after changing but Draco lifted him up and put him on his bed. "Harry, I know you sometimes have nightmares and you didn't bring any potions to help you sleep so I have decided it's best if you sleep with me tonight." It was very faint but if you looked closer you could see the platinum blonde had a blush spreading across his cheeks. "Draco, I really appreciate you would do that for me but I might move around and hurt you. You really don't have to do that."

Both boys stared at eachother until Draco broke the silence and said " It's ok Harry, you have dark circles under your eyes and they look hideous. Just think of it as me saving your eyes that are begging to get some sleep." Harry blushed a bit but was too tired to reply and just nodded his head while laying his head down. Draco soon got in after and they both subconciously cuddled up to each other at night. Anyone who said this didn't look adorable would either be a liar, or a liar whose struggling to come to terms that this is adorable.

guys I won't even deny it but I'm losing motivation to keep writing this story, but I won't abandon it:)
sorry if it looks a little rushed, I didn't even look for spelling errors I literally just typed what i thought sounded good and went with it.

im currently working on the tomarry and the all three (snarry, drarry, tomarry) story :) sadly i decided i didnt like the plot and erased legit the entire story and decided to start over with the tomarry one and the one with all three i started ju...

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im currently working on the tomarry and the all three (snarry, drarry, tomarry) story :) sadly i decided i didnt like the plot and erased legit the entire story and decided to start over with the tomarry one and the one with all three i started just 2 days ago. I want to make one with no ships but seeing as I already have two that I seriously should get working on, I don't think that's the best idea.

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