First day of classes

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Harry's POV

"For those of you who do not know me, I am proffesor snape, head of house for slytherin and Hogwarts Potions proffesor. I don't like slackers and most certainly won't allow any sort of slacking in here. With that being said.. Harry, what is a bezoar?" "A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat that will save you from most poisons." I answered quickly. "Correct.. And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" "There is no difference because they're the same plant that can also go by the name aconite."

I answered. "Also correct.. 5 points to- erm.. What house are you currently staying in..?" "I'm staying with Slytherin for today sir." "5 points for slytherin then." Class went on with us taking notes from our potions book and Proffesor Snape shooting questions at random students. The bell rung and I headed down to Transfiguration. Once I got there I sat down in one of the front corner seats again with a boy named Neville Longbottom who sat next to me. We had a quick chat before Proffesor McGonagall walked in and closed the door shut.

"Hello class, my name is Proffesor McGonagall, head of house for Gryffindor, Hogwarts Transfiguration teacher and Deputy Headmistress. Now that I have introduced myself why don't we get started. Today we will not be doing any wand waving since it's only our first day. I want everyone to get their textbooks out and jot down notes on page 290 about shifting objects. Once the bell rang we all rushed out of the classroom with some of the students basically sprinting to their next class.

I sat down in the front corner again like all my other classes and waited for the teacher to arrive. A short man came in muttering something about floo powder. "Hello class, I am the Charms teacher for Hogwarts, also the head of house for ravenclaw. Call me Proffesor Flitwick, now that I have introduced myself, lets get started. We will be learning the  levitating charm. Everyone take out your wands and point it to the feather that I placed in front of you. I want you to say the words Wingardium leviosa, if done correctly the feather will start to float and if you concentrate hard enough, you will be able to control where the feather goes. Everyone started murmmering the said spell including me and I was able to get it on the first try.

I started controlling the feather with my wand and I heard a "Well done Harry!" from Proffesor Flitwick. I heard someone behind me mutter "hmph, show off." So I turned around and saw a brown bushy haired girl trying to control her feather while blaming the feather for being heavy which makes no sense what so ever. "Excuse you, I would prefer it if you don't call me names for simply doing what the teacher told us to do. Now if you would just kindly refrain from calling me names and such that would be great. Thank you." I turned around before she could reply but I can tell that her face was burning red and I heard Neville giggle because apparently she was making a face resembling a sore blobfish.

"5 points from gryffindor for rudely calling other students names, and 5 points for erm-"slytherin" I quickly responded. "Yes, 5 points to slytherin for defending themself in a proffesional and well mannered way." The girl behind me stood up to protest but the look that Proffesor Flitwick was giving her was enough for her to simply stomp her foot like a 5 year old and sit back down. The bell rung and we all rushed out heading to the Great Hall for lunch. I sat next to Draco and Pansy and I told them all about what happened in Charms which made them laugh so hard that even the staff table turned to check if were ok and not going insane or something. Once the bell that signalled us to get to our class rang we all bid goodbye and went to our next class. I had herbology so I went with Pansy who also had herbology next.

We arrived in time and waited for the teacher to come. "Hello everyone, I'm Proffesor sprout, Hogwarts Herbologist and head of house for hufflepuff. Everyone please put on the gloves that are set out in front of you and securely put on the earmuffs that are next to the gloves. Today we will be investigating mandrakes. Mandrakes are plants that have a root that looks like a human infant but matures as it grows. These plants are an essential ingredient in a restorative potion for it is a powerful restorative." We continued class oberserving different mandrakes and taking notes. Once the bell rung everyone headed out and I went to Charms.

When the bell rang I decided to head down to the library to get some homework done since dinner isn't till 5:00 and it's only 4:30. On the way there I met Draco and we did our homeowork at the library together. I never noticed someone following us and keeping a keen eye on me...

Third person Pov

Harry and Draco walked down to the Great Hall for dinner together with a certain someone watching them. The two sat down together and started eating. They sat and ate but never realized that someone was about to do something unforgivable in the wizarding world. As the person got closer and closer till they were almost behind them...


912 WORDS!! I got my flu shot today and my arm is dying T_T next chapter will be up tomorrow baiii ๛ ٩(˘ ³˘)۶♥

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