Birthday special

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Hey yall so today's my bday (4/9/19) and I thought I might as well do a bday special:) I haven't replied to your comments yet but I'll try reading all of em:D

Third person Pov

Harry was laying down on Draco's bed, bored out of his mind. He finished all the books he brought with him that he found in a small book store in Diagon Alley. He felt that now would be a good time to actually socialize and not cram his head into a book like he always does. Harry, being the smol child he is, skipped to Draco's room.

When he entered Draco's room, he didn't see him anywhere. In fact, Harry just now came to realize that he hasn't seen many students. Heck, he didn't even see any Proffesors or Prefects wandering around the halls. He was starting to get suspicious and had a very weird feeling in his stomach, almost like fear except with a tinge of wonder.

He hasn't seen students out since 10 Am and it was currently 2:25. Now the feeling in his stomach seemed to have spread around his body. Where was everybody? Did they decide to go on some kind of field trip without him? Did they leave him just like how the Dursleys left him for days?

Harry didn't even know he was tearing up until he realized his vision was getting blurry and it was getting harder not to blink. He quickly rubbed his eyes and laid down on Draco's bed. He could smell Draco's scent all over the room and it had managed to calm Harry down.

Harry started gettung a little panicky when an hour passed and no student was to be found. Not even the usual prankster twins were nearby. Harry had done everything he could possibly think of. He made flower crowns, did extra work for his homework and essays, cleaned his room(s), practiced some wandless and wordless magic, read another book, he did everything he would usually do in his free time!

After sitting in silence for another 10 mins, he finally decided to get out of the slytherin common rooms and check the other 3 remaining houses. All the hufflepuff dorms were empty and with one glance he knew that the ravenclaw dorms were also empty. He broke out into a small jog to gryffindor seeing it as his last hope. When he saw nobody was in gryffindor either, he couldn't help but feel so alone.

Harry didn't know if he should cry because of the pain he felt from feeling lonely, or be panicking like a maniac. He decided to at least try the great hall and see if there were any elfs cooking for dinner. Right as he entered, there was no light to be shown at all. Harry had an adorable confused look plastered on his face. Was something wrong with the lights? Before Harry could even get his wand out so he could light the hall with a small "lumos", the hall erupted into something that looked like it came strait out of a movie.

Harry stood there with his small flower crowns and bracelet and let out a bewildered look. Everyone screamed "SURPRISE!!" Draco being the loudest of them all of course. Everyone was there, except for Hermione and Ron of course. Proffesor Snape had given them detention in the forbidden forest all on their own for trying to steal some of his potion ingredients.

Harry ran up to the crowd of students, all from different houses and gave them a bright, dazzling smile. Right then and there, he became an innocent child as he ran around looking at all the sweets the hufflepuffs made. For once in Harry's life, Harry was having a wonderful birthday, one with no pain and sorrow. Draco ran up to Harry and handed him a box with all four founders on each side of the box.

Harry slowly opened the box only to gasp in shock. Inside the box was a small ring with his innitials engraved into the ring. Draco put the ring on Harry and showed him his hand. Draco was wearing the same ring except with his innitials engraved on the ring instead. Harry hugged Draco tightly, as if he was going to disappear if he didn't.

Soon everyone joined the hug, and it turned into a massive group hug, full of proffesors and students. Soon they all decided to settle down and start the feast. The hufflepuffs cooked with the elfs and the gryffindors decorated the hall with the proffesors. The ravenclaws enchanted the presents to shimmer and organized where everything should go. Half the slytherins got party games ready and the other half of slytherins kept an eye on Harry.

Everyone was having a good time until...Hagrid blew a horn loudly in everyone's ears and threw confetti at all the students while wearing a purple gown. Quirrel hexed him all the way to the forbidden forest where he found two students being chased by a centaur.


880 words woot snootle

baiaiiaiaiaia :)

Where is the light..?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora