29 - The Book Made With Magic

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As nightfall came, you stood by the living room of the mansion. Awkward and silent since Jungkook had left you for some business upstairs. He had not told you the reason but it seemed odd.

Feeling quite bored, you decided to have a proper look around the area.
Roaming your fingers through some frames put up against the wall that allowed you to smile, a bright, gleaming one at that.
One particular photo however, caught your attention.
It had quite an antique frame made of wood from the olive trees.
A photo which showed all the members of the pack as little children.
Jungkook looked at his youngest age, maybe a bit in between his year of four to six.

Moving on, you looked around more--- from the fire place to the little bits of dust found down a filthy storage room, you realized how much of the mansion was left unexplored by you for the many months you have visited, quite often in exact.
Your curiosity was cut off when you heard footsteps treading down the corridor unto where you are.
It seemed to grow louder and quicker as if someone had been running.
Your thoughts immediately went into the negative side, thinking maybe an intruder had invaded this home or a secret thief wanting to steal even the smallest items worth gold.
This mansion is quite the money, you never knew who exactly owned it but that person must have been the wealthiest man alive.
Feeling stunned, you did not move from your place, you stood like a statue made with stone that only the strongest man of all could nudge you even the slightest.
The black figure grew closer before it wrapped you tight in its embrace, withdrawing you from even taking one bit of glance at man's face.
Caressing your head in his action, you did not say a thing, still pondering on the fact that you do not know who this man might be .

"You left me worried! I looked all around for you!"

The man spoke and the voice immediately rung in your ears. The sweet, melodic voice dismissed you of your horrid thoughts as you repay his action back with a hug.
You could not help but let out only an embarrassed chuckle as the man let go of your body. "I was only looking around" You said with a smile "You did leave me bored out of my own mind in the living room after all" You explained yourself as Jungkook hieved a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness. You do realize this is a mansion. It's humongous! Finding you was such great work"

"Sorry" You said with a small giggle as Jungkook took a hold of your wrist, bringing you out of the dark room.
"Where are you bringing me?" You asked as he kept his silence, leaving you confused.
You did not fight back however, you kept yourself restrained in his grip.
If anything, a room brighter than that would be delightful to you.
He mentioned as you found yourself tripping on a stuffed animal.
"What is that doing laying on the ground?"

"That is Taehyung hyung's. He owned that since he was about five, given by his mother"

He suddenly stopped in his steps as you knitted your brows. He turned on his heel and headed back his way unto the object.
"On second thought, I will be taking that. He has been looking for it for ages. A few tears went with it."
Your face turned into a frown as you could only imagine how important that must have been for the guy.
Again with a hold of your wrist, Jungkook continued his way to pull you out of the dark area of the mansion, bringing you to another area you do not really have a clue to.

Finally you were out of the dark as he brought you upstairs, you stumbled on a step as Jungkook gave another "Careful" making you roll your eyes.
If only he would be walking carefully himself, I might also be doing the same.
You stopped by the door of his room as he let go of his grip. Grabbing a key from his pocket to unlock the door knob as he gestured for you to enter first.
With your eyes roaming around you asked "You actually lock your room?"
Jungkook hummed in response as he closed the door, not forgetting to lock it back.
"Locking it from what? What is there that is so dangerous"
Jungkook walked past you as he plopped the keys on his desk. He opened a drawer to the right of the table.
"Nothing dangerous really. Just a few mishievous brothers that could come in and snoop around, taking anything they find interesting without my permission."
He said as he looked up at you with a slight smile
"In my opinion, it is vital to lock my room."
He looked back to the drawer as he pulled out a book.
"Found it"
He said with a high pitched tone as he placed it on top of the table.
He told me to come look at it and I did. It looked rather old. It was covered in dust particles making its colour a bit faded, the pages were turning a bit yellow and the book was not much on the thin side either. You wondered what this book was about so you asked "What is this?"
"Something I do not know either, haven't really looked inside"
He wiped off the dust, its dark blue color becoming more vibrant.
A gold design was embroidered on the rim of the book as you found the word 'Love' deeply engraved on the very center of the cover.
"Love?" You asked

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