6 - Another Alpha

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"Good Morning dad~ " You said as you saw your dad from downstairs "Y/N get ready we're heading out"

"Wait what? I have school" you questioned as your dad stared at you like you were the most boring person ever. "Fuck school" your dad grinned

"But dad school is imp-"

"Boring" your dad cut you off and you rolled your eyes "Now get ready, we're spending time with our pack today, I've left the Beta in charge for 5 days" he headed out the door not allowing you to say no. With a sigh you headed to your room and wore the clothes you least liked. Then you headed to where your dad was waiting at, outside your house.

As you exited your house, tiny droplets landed on your head, soon followed by heavy ones. "Dad, it's raining"

"All the more fun" your dad winked at you before transforming into a wolf and leaving you behind. 'I'm pretty sure he acts more like a best friend than a dad should'

You transformed and followed after him through the woods as droplets continue to splash on your fur. Each step you take causes muddy water to be splashed against your once was clean fur, you groaned.


"Shh, hunters" He stopped you before you could growl in complaint against him. You hid behind your dad carefully. "Y/N, don't go anywhere just stick close to me and follow my pace" after he said that, he dashed off speedily avoiding the hunters 'At least slow down!' You rolled your eyes and rushed to your dad.

You got passed the hunters, thanks to your dad... sarcasm. Your dad definitely just rushed off. You saw your pack from a distance and you beamed in happiness.

Your pack howled as they sensed your dad's presence. As you arrived before them, they bowed their heads low before the beta immediately jumped at your dad. 'Right I forgot, my dad's an alpha'

"Finally Jinyo(your dad ) you're back!" Sebum(Beta) said as he wrestled your dad. "You literally left the responsibilities of an alpha on me for 5 days!"

"Sebum, I have a daughter" Sebum's ears perked up as he noticed your presence. Then he rushed towards you 'oh no' aaaand a loud thud sounded across the whole woods.

"Ack!" You groaned as Sebum's wolf was laying on top of you. "I'm being squished, please get off?"

"Oh sorry" he smiled cheekily as he jumped off of you. "I was just excited, I haven't seen you in a long time" he excused and you glared at him with a yeah-sureeee look.

"Y/N!!" Your best friend howled as she noticed your presence. "Aura!" You ran to each other. "Long time no see!" You both said as you jumped around.

"Now that the whole pack is here, why don't we do some competitions, yeah?" My dad asked, eyebrows raised. Everyone's ears perked up then followed by a quick nod.

"Whoever finds the most snakes by the end of the day, gets to go with Y/N to school" your best friend challenged, you snapped your head to her direction, brows furrowed as you stared at her in confusion

"Aura, who would want to go to-"

"Great idea!" They cheered as they cut you off. 'Great, I'll just have to win then' you thought.

You stood still at your place as you waited for the 'go' sign. The omega of pack, who was beside you, winked at you before whispering a "See you at school" as you rolled your eyes. There is no way in hell that you are gonna let these chaos makers accompany you to school for a whole day. As your dad started off, signaling the 'start' you all dashed off to separate directions finding the best place for snakes.

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