20 - Never Loved Her

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As he walked to the university, only one thing was stuck inside his mind. The words his older hyung said to him as advice. 

Was it Good advice?

Should he really kill you?

But then that would make him more of a monster than he calls you. Yet... it is the only solution it seems. -no, however way I look at it, it is a terrible decision- he thought as he arrived by his classroom. There he saw your calm yet bored face as you look out the window unto the forest. He always wondered what interested you so much about that forest. It was the place where he hated you. It was the place where he knew who or what you are. So what interests you so much about it? Why do you always look out there?

He cleared his throat

You turned around, bothered by the person who disrupted your thoughts. -Jeon Jung-fricking-kook- you rolled your eyes inside your head as you boredly watched his form.  "Yes?" you asked, but with no answer. With a sigh, you turned back your head to the forest. Thinking about the event that happened yesterday with your 'mother'.

Could my wolf blood really be removed? But how-

No it is not possible, Y/N. Calm down.

You are looking out the window again. He felt more confused as time went by. He again cleared his throat, but he immediately regretted his decision as you stared at him with an irritated gaze. A strike hit his chest. He hanged his head low, as you raised your brow, confused. "What do you want?" You asked as he played with his fingers.

"I am just intrigued" he finally spoke up. You tilted your head to the side confused by what he is saying "What should you be intrigued about? I do not think it involves what I am doing therefore, I am not interested to listen"

"No, it involves what you are doing"

Now you are intrigued as well. "Ok, so tell me. What are you intrigued about" You folded both your arms against your chest as Jungkook prepped himself to ask a question by leaning one elbow against the hard table. "The forest. What is so interesting about it that it catches your attention so much" He asked the question. And your eyes fell. He felt taken aback by your expression and thought that maybe it is something he should not know. "Nothing is interesting about it. It just calms me. My friends live there too" You answered. Although it is not a lie, it is not the full truth either. You did not know you looked so interested about the forest from another's point of view. In fact, your mind was elsewhere.

"Friendss.... More wolves"

He let out accidentally. Seeing how you smiled with disappointment, he panicked "Sorr-"

"I know ok" You said which left him blank. He was confused. "I know you do not like wolves. In fact, it is pretty clear you hate them and me" He waved his hand off, denying your statement but he stopped. It is a fact, so he should not be denying it. "But maybe I will no longer be one" You whispered but he heard it clear. He did not understand what you mean

"Do not keep her waiting" you stated as you looked behind at the feminine figure out the door. He followed your gaze and as he saw Hyerin looking upset. He hated her and how she was very clingy to him every time, thinking someone else will steal him but he is not hers. "Do not mind her, class is almost starting. She is most likely going to scold me why I did not greet her first thing when I arrived"

"You sound like you are annoyed by her presence"

"I am"

Both your brows raised at that, you were astounded. He is dating her yet he is annoyed by her, that is definitely not a nice thing to do. "Then why are you with her?" he just merely shrugged, making your brows knit badly. "You are playing with her feelings?" you asked and he nodded "I guess so" you scoffed

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