22 - New Friend

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A bit of a sucker for not helping her out when I need to. It hurts a lot that as I see her now, she is in pain. Her head covered by her arms as she builds an imaginary wall over herself. I can feel how much she is going through in me. I do not know the reason, but I can feel her pain.

A downside of being mates in fact.

But I could not help but be curious and worried. I promised myself not to love her anymore. I care for her but I have decided to reduce it a bit, especially from the advice Yoongi gave. I do not want to kill her therefore I will not fall in love with her.

Yet her fragile form and her aching heart pierces right through my promise I told myself.

It is the end of school now and it is only the both of us in our classroom. I would have left an hour ago but I cannot help but have the urge to stay by her side when she is in this state.

"Why are you still here" she mumbled blankly with a sniffle which made me snap at her direction. "I am waiting for you to feel better" I replied with honesty this time. Maybe when I show her that I care even a little bit she will loosen up to me and not hurt me so much.

"I will not be feeling any better soon, you may leave" I did not reply to that but instead I stubbornly stayed put in my seat not moving an inch. It seemed she gave up as she looked up at me and we locked eyes. I saw how her eyes were all drained out from tears as they were all swollen and her cheeks were stained. Her nose was tainted red as her hair stuck to her skin because of her sweat.

This made me feel more worried than I already was. She has been crying for what... like more than an hour ago. What situation is she going through?

"You do not seem ok--"

"Well no shit sherlock"

Her statement made me flinch a bit at the use of her tone. "Something is wrong?" I asked with a serious gaze as she looked at me dumbfounded

"No, everything is perfectly fine. See this right here? Oh these are just the water my eyes leaked out because they could not hold their bladder issues. Oh and this? I have allergies and as you can see my nose gets affected too well"

She answered my question with sarcasm. I rubbed the nape of my neck saying 'sorry' as I realized how stupid my question was. "Sorry" she hummed in response. "You see, I am just worried about you. Mind you tell me what is wrong?" I asked again as she shook her head, my shoulders slumped down. "It is none your business and wow! Great news!! You finally care for me! Yay..." she stated with a flat tone. When she saw how I was starting to get angry with her she looked away.

"I am sorry, but it is really none of your business. Even if you do know about it, you will not be able to do anything to help me. So please, just go home. You are making me feel guilty for letting you wait"


"Please?" She begged with teary eyes. I softened at her gaze and ended up agreeing. She sadly smiled at me. I picked up my bag and stood up, ready to leave. "Just, make sure you will be okay, ok? I can feel when you are hurt so do not even try to lie about it" she nodded her head slowly as I sighed and walked out the classroom door, heading back home.


If only things could not have been worse. This woman of a mother wishes to meet me by saturday, that is only a few days away. Who knows what she will do with me by then. Maybe it is the day for me to become a full human.

To he honest, instead of crying. Would it not be better to just give in? I will no longer be called a monster, I will no longer have to worry about being hunted and my mother will finally appreciate me. Is it not better that it will be that way?

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