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Salaams, I need help, what should I name the sequel and should I edit NYAMLS before I write the sequel because I see some silly mistakes from when I was writing at stupid o clock (4am) so I apologies for that. Also, how are you all doing, I haven't seen a comment in a while, which makes me sad. However I do see the votes which are AWESOME!  Also to avoid disappointing some of you what should I include in it, I've already gotten a comment to add Aaron and Anne and to include Zara's married life but is there anything else? Thanks for reading this and I do hope someone comments or else this message will be awkward.  Oh did I mention you're getting a sequel! lol u probably guessed by me asking you for a suitable name.  Anyway I love you all and don't forget to :) because it's sunnah. Much love, Ayesha.

ps: I want pizza or briyani or a kebab. :)

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