Chapter 15

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Me, Isabel and Ameerah kept talking till 3 in the evening,  as Saif and Hussein wanted to sleep off the jetlag, Ameerah had assured me she had slept on the plane and did not feel tired at all. So we decided to put on Catching fire, which Ameerah hadn't watched yet, however Ameerah was one of those people who would constantly talk through out a movie and if this was my first time watching it, I would have already strangled her. The movie was halfway through, to where Finnick was carrying Madge away from the deadly smoke, when we decided to pause the movie and talk some more. Isabel had left to go sight see with her sister and get tickets to some concert.

"Hey, Zara, what did you think of Adam?" Ameerah's eyes were casted down and I raised an eyebrow and I could see right through her and concluded she probably liked Adam.

"He seems really nice, why do you ask?"

" Oh no reason" she said, brushing me off, I gave her a shut up and tell me look and she spoke up "we went to the same school and he tutored me for a year in Maths, he was always sweet to me and I always had a soft spot for him, you know."

I nodded understanding fully that she was head over heels with the guy and I patted her knee whilst giving her a reassuring smile.

" Don't worry, I'll talk to my mum and aunty and we can sort something out for you, I didn't think he was the one,  he feels more like a brother to me besides I think I like Asif a bit more anyway but I like his sister though, she's funny and really nice."

" Oh Sabiraa, yeah she was always nice to me but she was never in any of my classes."

"I was thinking I could invite her to come shopping with us if that's okay with you?"

"Yeah sure, I'll go wake Saif and Hussein and we can get going." as Ameerah left, I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Sabiraa, inviting her shopping.  She almost immediately replied confirming that she was coming and we planned to meet at one of the mall's many Cafés.

As soon as Saif and Hussein came down and I had grabbed my bag we sat in Husseins old car, which was a yellow Camaro, the same as Bumblebee from Transformers. The day Hussein told me he had got one, which was a year ago, I nearly cried out of jealousy.

"Look there's four eyes with her mutant eyes." screamed James across the playground.  I was in year 8 and was only 12. Hot tears were pouring out of my eyes as I ran to the nurses office. "Oh, Zara you're not feeling sick again are you?" I nodded to the school nurse whilst the tears kept pouring out of my eyes. I hated lying to her, but I just wanted to leave and go home.

Saif picked me up that day and before getting in the drivers seat sat next to me in the back. "Hey little squirrel,  are you going to tell me why your crying? and don't tell me it's because you feel ill, because we both know that would be a lie."

Saif said this as he wiped the tears away from my eyes, whilst I looked down at my hands. I sighed.

"There's this boy, his name is James, he keeps calling me four eyes and would tell me I'm ugly and that my eyes are horrible. " As I told Saif this, he just hugged me, whilst I sobbed on his shirt.

"Look Zara if this kid says something to you again, tell me and I'll speak to the headteacher, and although I want to beat the crap out of him, I can't because I'll go to jail."  My mouth hung open at the word "crap" and whispered a "you just swore" in Saifs ear. Which resulted in him laughing before getting into the drivers side. He turned around a looked at me.

"I tell you what, how about we pick up Hussein from his workplace and we can go watch that new movie Transformers and we could eat loads of ice cream until we be sick and don't worry about Ameerah she already told me she was going to a friends house. How does that sound to you? " I grinned whilst I wiped the remaining tears away and we drove to pick Hussein up and then whilst we drove to the movies Saif told Hussein what had happened. Hussein turned to me, "How long has this been going on for? " I didn't want to answer the question and  looked out the window. "Zara, please." I looked at him and his eyes shone with anger not directed at me but at James and I muttered my reply. "2 YEARS!" Saif shouted and I cringed, I hated when they shouted it would scare me.  I nodded to indicate him being right and he gave Hussein his phone. " Call the headteacher, we're giving him a piece of our mind."

After Hussein had called and we had watched the movie,  we came out screaming about how cool bumblebee was and how we all wanted a car just like him.

"Hello earth to Zara!!!" Ameerah was shaking me and I woke up out of my day dream of the memory.  "Hussein was talking to you, what was you thinking about?" she asked. Ameerah sat in the back with me, whilst Saif and Hussein were at the front.

"I was thinking about the time when Saif took me to watch Transformers and how Hussein had swore at my headteacher, and how we said that we each wanted a bumblebee."

As soon as I said this Hussein started to speak.  " Hey, your getting married soon, this car can be my wedding gift to you. " he had the brightest smile on his face,  which I saw from the rear view mirror. " No, it's fine, its yours and besides I don't want wedding gifts,  I want duas." At this point Hussein started to insist and Saif joined in and I had no choice but to smile and nod.  Both my cousins had forgotten that I would be blind in a few months time and would not be able to drive,  but they seemed so happy that I didn't want to kill the mood and so I stared out the window,  blinking back tears of how I wouldn't be able to drive.

Salaams/hello there lovelies, chapter 15 as promised before Eid and you will get 16 on Eid. Promise! Hope this chapter makes sense and chapter 16 is my favorite not because it's written well (lol, let's be honest writing stories is not for me) but I like what happens in it. I hope you like it and hows Ramadan going for all my Muslim readers and if you are not Muslim how is July. I have already written the chapters and the story is now finished(although u have to wait till august for the majority of them). This is one of my worse pieces of work (the whole story,including this chapter). I prefer writing on paper then typing on my phone.  Anyway I hope you're all doing well and don't forget to :) because it's sunnah. Much love, Ayesha.

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