Chapter 4

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The students filed in and majority were still groggy having just woken up. I suppressed a laugh at their clueless faces and started to teach.

"Okay now get out your books and first we are going to recap yesterdays lesson, so you should know the answers to the questions on the board and then we'll move on to something new." After I had given the instructions on what to do,  the class got on with it.

"Miss can you help me please?" I looked up from the book I was reading and smiled at Maria, the girl who asked for help. I walked over and helped her answer the question she was stuck on when Zayd walked in.

"Um... excuse me Miss Ahmed, but I can't get into my classroom,  the students have locked me out" the look of distress on his face made me laugh, and his face turned a little red from embarrassment.   

I rushed over to the classroom opposite mine and knocked on the door politely. At the sight of me, the kids unlocked the door. "Good morning Miss Ahmed" they said in unison as they took up their assigned seats.

"Now I want you to be kind to Mr Ali and although he is new I expect you to treat him how you would treat any other teacher, with respect." The kids looked up and guilt was evident on each one of their faces.

"We're sorry!" said a little girl that I had not had a pleasure to teach and I smiled back at her. Satisfied, I past Zayd who opened his mouth to say something and immediately closed it and entered my own class; where the students worked in silence.


The bell had rung for lunch and I was already starving, but first I prayed duhr in the prayer room before entering the cafeteria.

I then grabbed food from the the food bar. "Thank you" I politely said to the dinner lady who served me and flashed her a warm smile and walked over to the dinner table where majority of the teachers sat. I sat next to Aliya/Mrs Muhammed, she taught history and geography and was the first person I met and was the one to show me around. We immediately hit it off and became close friends, she was 7 years older then me and was incredible pretty with big round eyes and long brown hair, which was neatly tied in a bun today.

I was sat across from Zayd who avoided eye contact with me, I had no idea whether it was out of respect or because he was still embarrassed from this mornings incident, I decided not to dwell on it and started to eat my pasta.

The teachers were practically interviewing Zayd, who seemed a little nervous and awkward when answering.  I looked up to Ms Rahman and was confused by her silence as she usually monopolized the conversations the teachers had during lunch.

"So where are you originally from?" asked Aliyah.

"New york" was Zayd's reply.

I decided not to get involved with the interview becuase I too had once been questioned by the teachers and remembered how nerve wrecking it was. Even though there was only 6 teachers they could all be quite dominating when the attention was on you.

I finished my pasta and felt a nudge from Aliya and looked up at her with confusion written on my face. She raised her eyebrow and gave me a 'Why are you quiet?' look. I shrugged and picked at my muffin, I didn't want to explain in front of everyone.

I looked up , to look at the clock to see how much time I had left for lunch, as this was the time I  normaly Skyped home because of the time differences and saw Zayd looking at me after witnessing mine and Aliya's exchange.

The questioning had stopped and the teachers were discussing improvements for the school.

"Thank you...for earlier. I was a little overwhelmed with all the students and I clearly have so much to learn"

he said softly.

"No problem... I've got to go!" I said as I stared at the clock. Realising the time I put my tray away and ran up to my room.

Once I got to my room I unlocked the door and entered.  I decided to call my mum who did not pick up the first, second or third time I called. Becoming worried I rang Isabel. "Zara!!! how are you? how is everything going? and when are you coming home?"  I laughed at all the questions she throwed at me and replied. "Well hello to you to and I'm fine and everything is great and in another month,  because that is when the holidays are." I then enquired about my mum and was relieved when Isabel had said she had gone shopping with Christie.

I then heard a knock at my door.


Salaams/ hello lovelies, I'm not good at picking names as you might have noticed and although I received a heart warming comment on my last chapter there was no name recommendation comments so I decided to use that persons name which I hope is okay?  ahahaha. How are you finding the story so far?, is there anything you don't understand or anything I have not explained properly? I hope everything is okay. Don't forget to comment and let me know what you think. Oh and I'm also looking for book recommendations so if you want to comment some I would appreciate it. :) x

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