Chapter 23

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I was woken up around 7 later that evening by Sabiraa who was still dressed in the outfit she wore to the engagement. "psssst, oi, wake up Zara, I need your help." I rubbed my eyes, adjusted my headscarf and got up and followed her downstairs. Sabiraa pushed me into the living room and shut the door behind me, I being both confused and groggy decided to go back to sleep on the sofa but my plan was foiled when I saw Zayd perched on one, holding a letter.

He looked up and immediately stood to his feet and I blushed furiously because my attire was definitely not suitable but at least I was covered and had a hijab on. Zayd spoke first. "I'm sorry about what Zainab had said about you earlier, she is quite..." he stopped searching for the right word to describe his fiancé. "Bitter?" I supplied and he smiled in response. "Anyway I need to go but the letter explains everything. I will not contact you and vise versa, this is probably the last time I see you Zara, it's for the better." I took the letter and soon after Zayd hurried out, he staggered lightly as if drunk but I could see the pain shoot through his body and I reached out to stable him but he was out the door as quickly as he had come.

I twirled the envelope in my hand and ran up the stairs I dressed in some yoga pants and an oversized jumper and put on my sneakers. I ran to the hill I had been frequently visiting. I climbed to the top and took out the letter I had shoved in my jumper pocket.

Dear master yoda,

I wanted you to hate me for so long, hoping that what I say to you makes it less painful, I wanted to maintain my distance and tried to come across as the bad guy but I couldn't help but wanting to see you and your smile and so even though I was promised to someone else, I fell for you. The Haiti sitiation was the perfect opportunity, I wanted you to forget about me and I you, so I tried to distance myself it wasn't fair on me, you or Zainab if I kept in contact with you. But I owe you the truth and here it is.

I was born with cystic fibrosis and over these few months my health is getting progressively worse, however I will start from when I arrived at the Hussaini school to search for my brother, Yusuf, who I believe you have met briefly, he had once come with my father when the school was built and wanted to visit his 'friends' again. He had not contacted anyone in a month and my job was to find him since my mother worried for his safety and my health was deteriorating and I wanted to make amends. I posed as a maths teacher for a couple of weeks, trying to lay low not wanting my brother to know I was searching for him, he had never liked me when growing up and I thought he would run in the opposite direction if he found out. You see my brother is not great with responsibility and emptied out his bank through gambling, and unsurprisingly he had many debts to pay. His friends had found out about my fake persona and used Maria to get to me to get to my brother. (try saying that 5 times)

I found him but had to spend a couple months at the school to take care of all his debts. My family are now loosing money and so a marriage to Zainab was meant to save us, it was planned months after she was born and after living a life full of luxury she became materialistic and let's just say she went over to the dark side. This marriage is one of business.

The money is meant to save my family from the increasing debt caused by my father and brother. After finding out about my condition, Zainab still wants to marry me to help my family and for that I am grateful. She may seem so hard and fake but I know she has a good heart.

Bottom line is that I am dying but my organs(the ones that work) are being donated and to you Zara Ahmed I bequeath to you my eyes.

Tears were falling effortlessly, more sorrow then happiness. I read on.

I do not want to see you, this may seem harsh but it is for the better, I don't want to figure out if I'm still in love with you because I'm better off assuming that I am not. I want you to have a great life Zara and I want you to stop running into blazing huts. I want you to marry a guy that treats you right and gives you everything you deserve. I wish things were different but unfortunately I have been dealt the cards that were picked for me and I must make the most out of the life I have been granted.


I sat there watching the sun go down whilst tears were still rolling down my already wet cheek. Though I do not love Zayd as I had done before, I looked up to him as friend and an hero. He was never the bad guy but the one that would put his family first and that made him the exact opposite. I prayed Allah granted him Jannah and I knew right now my life was falling into place.

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