He shook his head and looked away from her, "I haven't seen or talked to him for so long. The last time I saw him was that night ... and seeing him again just brings back all of those memories and emotions."

Olivia felt for him, he just came back into her life and now he was having to confront the past all over again not even one day later. She took his chin in her hand and moved his face so he was looking at her, "I know how hard this must be for you, so if you want to leave and do this another day ... I understand."

Elliot just looked at her, his eyes pooling with love. He brought his hand up to caress her cheek, "I love you for that, but I think it's about time I stop running."

She kissed him on the cheek and took his hand in hers, "I'll be here with you, the whole time."

He stood up and pulled her up from the bed, bringing her to him. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. He kissed just behind her ear and whispered, "I love you."

Olivia held him tight, wanting to make him feel safe and kissed his jaw, "I love you too." She pulled away and took his hand in hers, "Let's do this."

They walked back out to the living room, hand in hand, to see Cragen , eyebrows raised giving them a questioning look.

They looked at each other before Elliot spoke up, "I think I owe you some explanations."

Cragen nodded, "Yeah, I'd say so."

Elliot let out a deep breath as he and Olivia took a seat on the couch opposite him. Olivia squeezed his hand, doing her best to give him support. He knew that getting Olivia back would eventually entail confronting the people from his former unit but he never expected it to be this soon, but having

Olivia to lean on made a world of difference.

Elliot scrubbed a hand down his face and then looked at Cragen, making eye contact for the first time in years, "Well first of all, I am so very sorry for..."

He was cut off as Cragen waved his hand, stopping him, "Before we get started on the heavy stuff can I just ask you two something?" They looked at each other and nodded back at him, "When did this happen?" He questioned starring at their linked hands resting on Elliot's lap.

They both looked down at their joined hands and then looked at each other. Olivia nodded at Elliot giving him the go ahead, "I ran into Olivia a few days ago and couldn't stay away any longer. I came over last night and we talked."

Cragen chuckled looking at Olivia still wearing Elliot's dress shirt, "Really? That's all you did?"

Olivia blushed slightly embarrassed and uncomfortable with where this was headed, "Uh .... Well..."

Elliot squeezed her hand and then turned to address Cragen, "We're adults, and we don't have to explain anything to you," he said quite harshly, his voice tinged with anger, "but it's not what you think. This isn't just some flash in the pan ... it's so much deeper and so much different than anything I've ever

experienced in my life," he finished, his voice softer as he stared into Olivia's deep brown eyes.

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