33. Winston

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(August 2013)

Starting a rebellion was not going to be easy. It couldn't be like the hapless events that Domare talked about when I asked questions about his past. This had to be done carefully, every detail meticulously thought out. It was a sure thing that no one would be expecting any escape attempts, but it was equally true that succeeding would not be easy.

We had to get to Brucker first. A slayer who knew the surface layout would be pivotal to our plan. I was building a mental list of potential allies, when I bumped into someone the hall one afternoon.

"Lt. Hobbs," I said with surprise. "Apologies, sir. I wasn't paying attention."

"Clearly," he said gruffly, looking pissed.

I balled my fists at my side. This wasn't good. I already had a headache today. Domare and I were practicing the distance thing. We needed to be able to deal with it if we got separated for any amount of time. Other bonded partners in Pluto managed it seamlessly, and we needed to be able to do it just as easily. Regardless, my thoughts were muddled and the throbbing of my head was hard to ignore. I didn't feel like dealing with the bad-mannered Lieutenant.

"Watch where you're going, DeBrock. You're at the rank of Nexus, now. I expect better out of you," said Hobbs.

I smiled tightly. "Of course, sir. My mistake."

He nodded and continued his trek down the dimly lit hall. I knew that Lt. Hobbs had a lot of sway in Pluto. He'll be one of the people trying to stop us, I'm sure.

I straightened my uniform and carried on down the hall, quickly getting lost in my own thoughts again. It had occurred to me that my life was about to change. If our plan failed, then I knew my chances of escaping the compound would dwindle down to nothing, but if I succeeded, I would be a fugitive. My family would be interrogated at the very least, and it was doubtful that I would ever see them again. I'd trade a limb for a phone call, like the one I'd gotten when I first arrived here, but I had been badgering the upper chain all week. Every single one of them had brushed me off like an insolent child.

I was done waiting.

I'd take my chances. At least, if we couldn't escape, then I'd have Domare. My attachment to him grew stronger every day. He was a partner, and a best friend to me. The bond, synthetic or not, was the strongest relationship that I'd ever had, even though I'd known him for just a few months. Our relationship was entirely platonic, but I couldn't imagine ever caring for anyone else as much as I cared for him. Fortunately, I was getting used to the idea of us being stuck together for an eternity. There was still a good chance that the Nexus would act up in about twenty years and that I'd die, but I doubted it. Our powerful mental connection and our extremely high match-rate reassured me that death was a far-off thing that I didn't need to worry about.

I bumped into someone else in the hall and mentally cursed. Praying that it wasn't another Lieutenant, I spun around to apologize and smiled when I caught the sight of a friendly face.

"June Dog!" I greeted enthusiastically. "Where ya headed?"

"Off to my vamp. You?"

"Storage," I replied. "Care to join me?"

June Dog looked uncertain, and I wondered how anyone could ever be afraid of him. Sure, he was six feet of bulging muscles, but he was a decent guy when you got right down to it.

"Alright," he decided. "What's in Storage?"

"The world's cheapest flea market."


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