"What was the matching percentage?" I demanded, hoping for a low number that I could use as an excuse to slither out of this nightmare, but her leer was triumphant.

"Ninety-six percent."

 "You're lying!"

"I'm not," she chirped. "I've seen the numbers myself. Your match is record breaking in compatibility, darling."

I sank into my chair. "My freedom is over. I'll never be happy again. I'll have a duckling, a puppy, a husband, a wife." My face was twisted under that realization. "Please not a wife! Women are terrifying!"

Hazel rolled her eyes. "Stop being so dramatic, Domare."

I moaned miserably.

Lieutenant Hobbs carried on, as if my little episode was no concern of his. "It's ninety-six percent! The possibility of you not liking your match is nearly nonexistent."

"Nearly is not enough," I spat. The faces of the Trainees were running through my mind, and I recoiled at the possibility of being paired with any of them. "There were three extra vampires. Who got bumped?"

"Alexander Devonshire," Hazel said too quickly, "and two others."

I swore quietly. Alexander was the only important name, really. He was the worst possible choice, especially since he had already confirmed that he was matched to someone – probably my someone. He was not a good enemy to have, and once word got around the facility, he would know it was me he had lost to.

"He matched with mine?"

"Yes. Yours, but his match rate was only sixty-two percent. Not nearly as high," Hobbs said.

"Sixty-two is above average. A decent match. Give the human to Devonshire."

"No," Grandmother said, and her tone brooked no argument. "The slayer is yours."

"Arg! Who is it? Tell me that at least!"

"No," Hobbs replied. "You know the rules. You find out when they do, after they finish their training, just in case the Nexus goes sour. You can perform the first blood exchange at your leisure, and hopefully your match proves stable enough to handle it."

I didn't even bother arguing with them anymore. I just stormed out of the office. I stomped my way to the Medical Deck, where the new Trainees would be in observation status for the next 72 hours. I walked around the one of the bays, taking a moment to glare at each one of my potential-life partners. Most of the Trainees were unconscious in their cots, the Nexus already having taken affect.

Winston DeBrock, on the other hand, was wide awake. He looked bored, tired, and very wary of me. There was an empty folding chair next to his bed, which I sat in without asking for permission. Being polite was a total waste of time anyway. Kind people were the best liars and the best at keeping nasty secrets. Doe-eyed do-gooders could get away with murder just for being angelic when the right people were looking. I preferred to be straightforward and honest, which often required me to be rude and obnoxious. I'd sooner wear a devil's face and save the effort. After all, as a pureblood vampire, I felt entitled to a bit of bitching and discourtesy every now and then. DeBrock just so happened to be an easy target.

"How are you?" I asked, though my voice rang false with sincerity.

Winston seemed very confused by the question. "Jittery," he replied in a scratchy tone. "You?"


"Oh, um. Okay. A-any particular reason why you're telling me this?"

God he sounded awful. He also looked like death warmed over, and the chemical stench of Nexus practically oozed from his skin. He'd already had the injection.

"Because you're the only one who will listen," I stated.

"Alright then," he said around a cough. "I'll bite. Why are you angry?"

"I've been matched."

"You didn't want to be?"


"Did they say to whom?"

"They wouldn't."

Winston nodded, though he appeared disinterested. "Right, well. Good luck?"

"You're a moron," I snapped.

"Gee, could you go away now?"

I felt a little guilty. He did seem to be pretty bad off. I certainly wasn't helping his condition.

"No. Shut up," I grumbled, slouching in my seat. "I'm hungry. Can I bite you?"

"Hell no!" Winston snapped, voice cracking horribly as it rose in volume. "I just got the Nexus, remember? You might grow a third arm or something."

"So that's your only problem with it? A third arm? I can live with a third arm. Might be useful."


"You know, slayers can give their permission for blood-drinking to vampires who aren't bound yet."

"Fuck no!"

I chuckled. My temper was starting to recede. A bit of antagonizing always did cheer me up. Winston seemed exasperated and a bit irritated by my presence. He was fun to annoy and not at all a pushover, as I had originally assumed. I caught him snapping that band on his wrist again.

"Okay, what's with the rubber band, Winny? You're making yourself bleed." I licked my lips as blood-scented filled my nose.

He groaned "Again with the nickname?"

"Just answer the question."

His cheeks pinked. "It's for anxiety. I get stressed easily. I used to get panic attacks when I was younger. The pain is grounding."

"That's weird. You're weird."

"And you're a dick."

I hummed in agreement. After all, I put a lot of effort into making people dislike me. 

"What's training going to be like?" he asked, likely trying to distract me. The man definitely had a few drawbacks. Even if he was slightly rebellious, DeBrock was very much a conformist. Every Trainee asked that same stupid question. I couldn't blame him for being curious, but I loathed repetition. Why not wait to see and be surprised? Going blind into conflict was far more interesting than going in with a tour guide. Knowing just took the fun out of things.

"Rigorous," was my reply.

He rolled his eyes. "I was hoping for something a bit more descriptive."

I rubbed at the headache budding in my temples."50 foot climbing walls, perilous obstacle courses, a lot of running, tactical maneuvering, fighting, regulations, firearms training--"

"--hey!" A shrill voice cut through the room like a knife. The other Trainees stirred in their beds at the volume. "Greyson, what are you doing in here? This section is off limits to you right now!"

"Hello, Lynn," Winston greeted, sounding almost relieved as she stormed over and cocked a hip.

"I was just leaving," I lied, rising from my chair. "Take care, Winny."

"You, too, Dom."

I was momentarily struck by the nickname. That was certainly a first. As Lynn bitched at me, I left the room, sparing one last glance for DeBrock. His crooked smirk and laughing brown eyes made me smile as I stepped out the door.

Maybe, it wasn't such a typical Thursday after all.

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