12:57 pm

563 26 8

Okay so I just woke up and went to take a shower, yeah know?? And I didn't bother checking wattpad till right now.





Opens wattpad and looks at notifications....


... There are 14 notifications




It's not that I never had that many notifications, its that I stayed (ignore that, I don't know how to spell) up to 3:00 am doing nothing (there were not any updates or anything, sooo) and my brother woke me up like at nine and before I went back to sleep I checked wattpad once again. 1, there was one update and you wouldn't believe how my face went from all sleepy and shit to all happy and joyful....

Now you wouldn't believe how my face looked when I saw that number 14 in middle of a red circle.

*Awwwwww* You know that angel song that goes awwhhh. Yeah I was something like that.

Updates, comments, replies to my comments, votes, and more updates. Lol gave me a heart attack!! Esspecially when I saw that Dem9mofos updated.....

So thank you Dem9mofos and to everyone else that likes to give me heart attacks, Tank you.

(Y'all all owe me watermelon now.)

~~ Peace out my precious


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