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Is it bad that I consider my 2 year old brother an asshole.... no I think its fine.


He hits me for no reason

●He almost chopped my hair off

●He bites me

●He sits on my face to wake me up (dont ask)

●He eats my candy

●And he does things on purpose (Ex: Me - Give me your cup before you drop the water (We're in the car). Him - Noooo. Me - Now!

Him - *Puts it between his legs and lets it drop*)

Now I know what y'all are thinking "Oh he's only two, he's just a baby blah blah blah blah." NO. He is a devil spawn and my parents just laugh at me when he is up to his antics.

The last reason as to why I consider my brother a major  butt hole is because he ate my WATERMELON.  NO ONE EATS MY FUCKING WATERMELON. HE'S LUCKY HE'S MY BROTHER AND THAT I LOVE HIM....

Anywhore I love my brother with all my heart, but he is a pain in the booty. Comment if you feel the same about your own siblings, hehe.

~~ Peace my Watermelons : ): )

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