Mom Tag

423 19 21

Heller WATERMELONS! ! @Stylish_Grande tagged me to do the Mom tag sooooo here I am.



1.)Do you like Wattpad??



Yeah, because of what it does to you.


2.) Whats the most annoying thing about me??

Your on your damn phone all the damn time.

Love you to my dear mother (she ignored me)

3.) How long have you been with dad??

*she gave me the reallly face*

14 years

DAAAMMMMN (In my head of course, I actually really didnt know that)

4.) How many more kids do you want??

2 more


Two more.


5.) Am I werid??

*she thinks for really long* I dont think so.... emphasis on think.

Why thank you.

6.) What would you change about me??

Your perfect to me, I dont know..

Awwwww mo-

Wait-wait When you get mad, you dont seem to care, *snaps fingers* Change!


7.) Will you watch anime with me??

Depending on how im feeling, maybe.

Sooooo never??

*Laughs at me*

8.) Do you go through my phone??

Maybe.. I do go on your wattpad to see who Dem9mofos are because you always talk about them.

No I dont!


This is going on the internet.

I dont care

*She then proceeded to give me the eye*

9.) What the funniest thing you've ever seen??

Yo face

Oh hahaha

Nah im just playing, umm I dont know the funniest thing I've ever

seen, but the funniest moment was when me and your dad were drunk and we were ordering at jack and the crack....... Hahahahahahahahaha

Ohhh I remember that, Hahahahhaahah Oh my watermelons that was soooo hilarious.

Haha yeah.

10.) What the happiest moment of your life??

When my babies were born!!

Awww ma I love you too : ): )

Okay thats the end of the mom tag, ima tag @Anna_Marie  @NameIsCeci and @JustUsTogether Haha Good luck y'all ; ); )

~~Peace my Watermelons

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