I'm feel like s***

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.  I feel like poopoo and man I'm so f****** tired I don't know what to do with myself I don't want to stand up or do anything I have a headache and a sore throat my parents are acting like b****** I just want to punch something but it can't be my wall cuz did that already if you can't tell I'm not typing this the speak thingy majiggy is copying down my words and it's f****** confusing I wanna cry and be depressed but I can't cuz I don't like doing that I'm just going to go to sleep for like the rest of Thanksgiving break now I thank y'all watermelons for listening to or reading this depressing little chapter wish me good luck cuz I'm going to need it to survive because I am sick and I feel like im on my period

~~Mama Watermelon

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