Chapter 20: Goddess what the hell did you tell her to do?!

Start from the beginning

Huh? There is someone outside of my door. It must be Erevain bringing the reports of the others. And here I thought I was done for the day.

She is taking her time to enter...she is even fidgeting a bit, is she nervous?

She stands there for like 5 more minutes, but it seems that she is going to enter now.

"E-excuse me, my lord!"

"E-excuse me, my lord!"

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Hmm...?! What the...?! Nerinne, did you...?! No, no, calm down...calm down...!

"Ah...Erevain. I was expecting you."

Perfect! I mean...ahem...ara, what is that daring night wear you are using Erevain? You're even blushing as if you are embarrassed from wearing it. Is this...some kind of punishment game?

Did you lose a bet to the other maid knights?

No...that eerily similar to the royal snow lingerie one I have back in my room... as if it was made by the same person or in this case, the same Goddess.

"Fufufu~~~ I do not know what you are talking about. But do enjoy yourself my dear."

Don't play dumb you...lovable Goddess!!

I'm so sorry Erevain, you shouldn't be a victim of that Goddess enjoyment.


Wait...why are you staring at me so strongly?

I look at myself and see my big boobs...ah, right.

She didn't know I was a woman.


Don't stare that feels kind of weird...ah I'm blushing a bit too...



Got to say something to break this awkward silence.

"I-Is something the matter, Erevain?"

"...! Ah, I deeply apologize my lord, no, my just that..."

"Was it that strong of a surprise? My unarmored appearance?"


She is at a loss for words. Maybe if I push a bit more, I can help her regain her composure.

"I can put my armor on if that resolves the problem, you too can change your clothes. If you wish you can keep referring to me as Lord, it matters not to me. So—"

I extend my hand towards my armor but Erevain steps forward and grabs it.

"No, my lord."

She says interrupting me while still holding my hand. Ahh...I can't stop blushing...

"I am truly ashamed for showing you this shameful performance just now. My lack of words was not because I had a was because..."

Shetoo is blushing even when she is trying to maintain a serious face while sayingthat!

"...I was about to say that I found your unarmored appearance truly beautiful..."



"I was a fool for believing that you were a man...and I apologize for any offense my misunderstanding might have caused."

She bows deeply and...I can see everything...

But then she gets back up and does a pose full of determination and her characteristic seriousness.

And she's still holding my hand! What is this?!

"I shall do my best tonight to redeem myself in your eyes."



Crap! I let that out and pulled my hand away due to the surprise!

Composure. Composure. Change the subject.

"Tonight Erevain? You just came to deliver the reports, correct?"

Got to calm down. Got to calm down. Got to calm down.

"Yes, My Lord but also to...provide you with n-night service..."


She is saying that while looking at me expectantly. She puts her hands near the base of her stomach, her face is blushed, and she clearly doesn't know what to do but her body language is telling me that she is fine with it.



"My, do not shout, my dear. I can hear you clearly, you know? Why are you so surprised? I told you, didn't I? My morals are not those of a mortal so enjoy yourself. Fufu~~."


"My lord? Is something wrong?"

She looks at me concerned about my silence.

I want to sigh so hard right now, but that might worry her more with how serious she is.

Let's just...let's just go straight to the point. 

"Be honest, are you fine with doing this?"

I ask her directly. After all, I don't like shounen type of misunderstandings that take forever to resolve.

"I...was unsure of laying with a man...of being able to satisfy him with this body...but I pledged myself to you My Lord. My loyalty and my body are yours, and now that I know that my lord is a woman any doubt, any unease I had is gone."

She looked at me with eyes full of determination, this stunningly gorgeous woman just said that she is fine with sleeping with me.



This is happening, huh?

To be continued...(cue colored illustration page AS IF!! HA HA HA!!) (cue ACTUAL ILLUSTRATION DRAWN BY LARH OF EREVAIN IN ALL HER SPLENDOR WOOOOOOOO!!!)

Glossary Entry #16:

Shounen: It is a genre of anime and manga for young males. It is the home of the usual suspects for commonly known anime like Naruto, Dragon Ball, Pokemon, and so on. But it is also the home of some tropes that categorized as annoying by many readers of the least in the west. One of those is that of "misunderstandings" happening in scenes where the protagonist is in a key moment for their relationship with a romantic interest, a heroine, and instead of things being a clear "I like you" they end up being "I li--oh! Look! An ovni! A secondary heroine! A rival! An excuse to prolong this for 20 more chapters!!!" or "She likes me? Nah, that is not possible. She is probably saying that she likes me as a friend, even if she tried to kiss me, yeah, or that she likes my shirt, or my cat. She can't be saying that she actually likes me, even know that she is holding a neon sign saying that she wants to have my babies. Lets leave thinking about this until the last 5 chapters". If you find yourself in this kind of thought process and situation, please, do read the neon sign. If you are the future partner of someone like this, not even outright marrying them has been proven to be a solution. So, be warned.

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