"Well, it looks like you two enjoyed yourselves."-Nick

"More like enjoyed each other."-Austin

"Shut up!" I said as I threw a pillow at them.

They both started laughing and so did Z.

"I'll see you guys later." as I rolled my eyes.

Z and I both walked to my car.

"I'm glad you came."

Me too. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay, love you."

"I like the sound of that."

I pulled him by his shirt and kissed him for awhile.



I got in my car and drove to my apartment. I texted Kayla about everything that happened when I got home. She was freaking out more than me. I told her goodnight and then went to bed.


I got up and got ready for my dance classes. I went to take my shower and then put on some sweatpants and a cropped sweatshirt and put my hair in a bun. I grabbed a snack and some water and headed to the studio. Today was mostly hip hop classes and one contemporary at the end of the day. They start off classes with stretching but I came in late so I missed the first part of the class. I finished up my morning classes and then we got a lunch break. Raelynn and I headed outside and sat at the patio tables together.

"So, how does it feel to be back dancing again?"

"It feels... really good. I forgot how good it felt."

"That's good to hear, I'm glad you're back."

"Me too."

"Besides dance, how's life going."

"It's going really well actually. Freshman year actually went pretty good. My grades ended up being better than I thought, and I got to take some really good dance classes with some amazing instructors."

"Oh that's really good, Nessa. Any boys?"

"Haha.. yea actually."

"Ooooo details."

"Well, his name is Zion-"

"Waiiiiitt... Zion?.. that sounds really familiar.."

"Ha, funny story actually. He probably sounds familiar because he's part of that boyband that I love."

"Woah woah woah, you mean to tell me you're dating your celebrity crush."

"I guess you could say that."

"Girl, you need to share some of your luck with me."


"How's it going?"

"Really good, he's one of the sweetest people I know. I've never felt so comfortable with someone as I do with him. I really care about him."


"Yea, yea I do love him."

"Awww, Nessa. Look at you being the lovey-dovey type."

"Oh stop, haha."

"I'm really happy to hear that."

"Thanks, are you and Maverick still together?"

"Yea, we are. We're about to celebrate our two years actually."

"Wow, that's crazy it's been two years already?"

"Tell me about it. It feels like only three months or something."

"Yea, I'm glad you guys are doing well though."

"Thanks, Nessa."

"Well, we should probably head back in there."


We finished up our lunch and headed back into the studio. The rest of the day kind of flew by and next thing I know I was at my last class. We were learning an intense combo. I wasn't really executing it as smoothly as I wanted to. I decided to keep practicing even though I was getting pretty tired and my muscles were tightening up. I was flowing into my next move and turned my legs and brought my body back up and then I heard a loud pop in my leg. I immediately fell to the floor and screamed in pain. My instructor Maya rushed over to me.

"Oh my gosh, Nessa. What happened?"

"I.. I.. it's my... my knee."

I screamed out in more pain and felt the tears rolling down my face.

"Someone call an ambulance."-Maya

It felt like eternity of just sharp burning pain in my leg. I heard tons of people around me and then I was picked up and put on a stretcher. I was zoning in and out because the pain was so unbearable. I just kept screaming in agony. I felt myself moving on the stretcher and then it faded to black...

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