Epilogue II: // i'll miss you, violet blue

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Surprise, bitch! (you're not a bitch, i'm sorry. a bonus chapter might come in later, stay tuned.)

“Let's go ride the Ferris Wheel!” Tyler calls out in excitement, rushing over to the Ferris Wheel in the park.

They were out of town for the day to honour Violet Blue's leaving for college the next day. They decided to not mope about it and have as much fun as they could in one day. Oscar and Liam's man friend, James were also present.

Josh did a little cartwheel roll to Tyler, falling on his butt half way there. Tyler laughed loudly and ran over to help his flustered boyfriend, giggling when he saw the brown dirt on the butt of Josh's blue jeans.

“It's not funny” Josh tried to say but ended up laughing as well.

“Come on, love birds” Liam dragged them to the Ferris Wheel where they bought tickets for one ride.

Josh and Tyler got in first before Violet and Oscar, finally Liam and James.

The ride slowly went up, allowing them to enjoy the feel and they could see the entire city from their view. It was so beautiful with all the lights. Tears welled up Violet's eyes, “I'm leaving the city soon”

Oscar hugged her tight, watching all the lights reflect in her eyes. “It's okay. It'll never forget you”

Slowly leaning down, he captured her lips in his own, reminiscing in the familiar addictive taste of vanilla.

Violet smiled into the kiss. She couldn't believe her luck, having someone as supportive as Oscar. It wasn't luck, she decided, it was a blessing. She smiled contently, looking around her to find everyone liplocked with happiness written on their faces.

Including Liam and James who weren't even dating.

This was it, she decided. Their happiness. As she captured Oscar's soft lips in her own, she couldn't help but thank God for finally showing her what it feels like.


Violet had loaded her last luggage into Oscar's car, heaving a sigh of relief that they were all there and done.

Her entire family - which consisted of her parents and her friends, were present to witness her departure. Cash was sobbing into Lily's shoulder to which she consoled him while Violet tried not to laugh.

She looked around her family as if asking who'd make the first move to say goodbye. Liam decided to be the brave one as he stepped forward and pulled her into a hug.

“I'll miss you, Violet Blue” he whispered into the crane of her shoulder, hugging her tighter and letting a tear slip from his eye.

“Oh my god, don't cry, Liam. You can always visit” Violet tried but soon everyone was crying including Josh and they all ran forward to pull her into a tight family hug.

“God you guys are so embarrassing” Violet whined but hey, soon she was crying as well. “I'm gonna miss you guys so much. I promised not to cry”

“Sorry guys but we're gonna need to catch the plane” Oscar said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

Violet sniffled and everyone pulled away from her.

“Good bye, guys” she smiled, about to enter the car when Tyler rushed up to her and hugged tightly, pulling away with tears streaming down his cheeks.

My Blood: joshlerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin