Chapter Six: Tyler // pondered of something terrifying

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Chapter Six: Third Person POV


“We're what?” he yelled, getting up from his place on the chair, “Dad you can't be serious”

Mr. Joseph looked confused, “Tyler, I thought you said you were okay with the marriage” he pointed out.

“Of course I'm okay with the marriage, dad but moving in with them? That's a big deal. I'll have to leave all my stuff behind and that's unfair, can't they just move in with us?” Tyler asked in exasperation, running his fingers through his hair.

“We've discussed it, Ty and it's better for us to move. There are more rooms over there and hers is the closest to your school. Besides, I think you'll get along perfectly with her son”Mr Joseph pointed out.

“Her son? She has a son?”Tyler hated changes and new things and so moving was going to be a little hard to adjust to. That and another sibling.

“Yeah, Joshua. He's about nineteen and goes to uni from home. He's even got a job at an automobile house. Laura said he's very friendly and guaranteed you'd like him” Mr Joseph smiled.

Tyler's eyes widened, he couldn't understand why his father was so happy with the news. He couldn't understand why his father was so happy with snatching him away from the life he'd come to love.

The warm walls of his house. His blue room with the peeling faded paint and soft bed that only he could fit in. His chipped off paint shelf were he kept his pants, paint brushes, and water colours. His blue magneta tiles that were always cool no matter the time of the day, his wooden closet that he sometimes sat inside if the outside world was too noisy.

He couldn't believe his father wanted him to leave all of that behind.

“When, when are we moving, dad?”he asked, hugging himself and rocking slowly, something he always did when he needed to calm down.

Chris Joseph looked guilty and he couldn't hold eye contact with his son “Tomorrow”

“Tomo-god, dad, why?! I can't - we can't even physically pack all our things tonight. This is unfair, dad. I haven't even finished my painting and you know this house is my inspiration. I can't move, dad. Please, please let's stay, you can't do this. God, dad, did you even think about me? Why didn't you tell me earlier. Why did you- fuck this. Don't-don't talk to me” that was the most Tyler had spoken and it was all out of anger.

Hot, angry tears left fell from his eyes as he stormed up to his room, breaking down midway and slamming the door behind him. He knew he'd been hard on his dad and regardless of the hot guilt he felt, Tyler just couldn't bring himself to a apologise. His dad was partly at fault, too. He could have told him earlier. He could have told Tyler and that'd have given him more time to prepare for the move. But now, so suddenly, his heart hurt and he suddenly pondered something terrifying.

What if they didn't like him?

The moving men had come in two hours early as the Joseph's were the first jobs they had for the day. Chris hadn't spoken to his son throughout the night because he knew the kid just needed some space to think and he'd be fine by morning.

Tyler had packed all that he was emotionally and physically capable of before he broke down in tears and then he packed again.

By evening, all the boxes were moved and Tyler was in his father's car as they drove all the way to the other side of town. Tyler had his headphones in and he tuned out everything around him.

He still wasn't talking to his father and he could tell the man felt kind of guilty and uncomfortable because he kept making advances to talk to his son but he always stopped himself.

Tyler wondered what Laura's son looked like. He wondered what her house looked like. He wondered if his new room would have enough space for his chipped off shelf and painting corner. He wondered a lot of things until he realised the car had stopped and Tyler looked up at the house in front of him.

It was huge compared to his old one and it was painted a sad grey that Tyler couldn't quite tell if he liked or hated. There were grasses surrounding one side and then the middle and another was just a pavement that seemed to have been built for parking cars. It had a tall brick fence to secure privacy and Tyler liked that.

“Come on, Ty” Chris said, already stepping out of the car. Tyler saw that the moving van was already here which meant they were inside offloading their last boxes.

Tyler followed his father and made his way over to the door where Laura was waiting for them with a smile, dressed in a casual sweater and jeans with a white and red apron around her waist. Chris gave her a kiss and Tyler looked away.

They went inside.

“I'm so happy to finally meet you, Tyler. I've come by the house a lot and surprisingly I've never seen you. My, are you so handsome. You look just like your father” Laura commented as she led them inside.

“Oh. Thank you” Tyler said awkwardly, head facing the ground.

“I'm sure you're tired. Josh helped the moving men unpack and set up the rooms for a little more money. I'll call him to lead you to it” she smiled at Tyler, they were in the living room, “Joshua. They're here!”she yelled towards the staircases.

“Coming!” Tyler heard a loud voice yell. Tyler didn't like loud noises or noises at all. He preferred peace and this house looked like a loud house, even with two people living in it. He wasn't sure he was going to fit in.

Suddenly footsteps were thundering down the steps in a casual manner before Josh finally descended and stood before them in nothing but jeans and a shirt slung on his shoulder. It didn't take both of them long to realize,

It was the boy from Colours.

|| - //

They meet. x

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