Chapter Sixteen: Josh // violet blue, the only one who understands

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Chapter Sixteen: Third Person POV


The first baby was named Kenny.

Kenny Chesney Miller, a beautiful and elegant name in the opinion of the Millers. The second baby was named Crisanto, short form, Cris. It seemed the Miller's had always dreamt of naming their child such a beautiful name.

Crisanto Mac Miller.

Amelia and Travis had welcomed a new era of their lives. They now had two new lives to groom and take care of. Josh hoped they could weild the responsibility well and not raise their children poorly to hate themselves.

Not like Laura had done a bad job with Josh.

The problem of a few minutes ago with Tyler's hickey was settled when Josh have him his sweater which covered it perfectly.

Of course Josh was cold but it was better than their parents knowing they did something they weren't supposed to.

"They're so cute" Tyler cooed, tickling the little baby in his arms softly. Liam who was by his side agreed with a small hum.

Josh couldn't tell them apart but apparently the one Tyler was holding was Cris and the one Travis was holding was Kenny.

Kenny was a few minutes older than Cris and he came hairless, with the most beautiful green eyes which matched Amelia's and Cris was looking exactly like his brother, obviously, except his eyes - which were brown like his father's, we're close in slumber.

Amelia had been checked after her surgery, and after she was stabilized, ate and strangely farted, she was allowed to rest but not before holding her beautiful baby boys and telling the nurses their names.

"Now I want a baby" Laura pouted playfully, leaning into Chris.

"Whoa whoa whoa, easy there, tiger. Tyler and I are just fine without siblings. They might look like angels but just wait until they start screaming" Josh immediately rebuked his mother's statement with wide eyes and every body laughed.

Tyler made sure to take videos of the twins so he could send for Violet later.

"Mom" Josh shifted and whispered to Laura who was standing by the door with Chris.

"Yeah, hun?" she raised her brows and asked.

"Can I maybe, go home? I've got my exams in three days and all, so I've kinda got to study" he told her.

"Oh, yeah, hunny, of course. Are you going with Tyler, or?" she trailed off.

Josh looked at Tyler and saw how happy he was playing with little Cris and he shook his head with a smile.

"Nah, I'll be fine on my own" he nodded, leaving Liam, his mom, Chris, Tyler and the Millers in the hospital room.

As soon as he closed the door behind him, Josh let his shoulder sag. He let out a sigh and ran his hand through his red hair. He had small round bags around his eyes from stress and his chest occasionally hurt him but he blamed it on post-examination stress.

He decided that instead of going home, he'd take the train to his favourite place: the park.

Inside the train, Josh made his way over to his usual seat way back and let his head rest on the glass of the train, closing his eyes. A couple sitting beside him barely glanced his way and then went back to enjoying each others embrace.

Josh sighed again and turned away, towards the back of the train. He could see nothing from there and he somewhat liked it that way.

He finally made it to the park and let out a breath - it seemed that was all he was doing these days. Josh was just stressed, and tired and just wanted to lay down and do nothing. He felt powerless, as if he had no control over what went on in his life any more and there was slowly becoming this pit of nothingness and depression swallowing him up.

But he didn't know why!

He had a loving family - if he could call it that. He had a perfect relationship with his mother and occasionally, he and Chris sat down to play video games and his friend from a paint shop just moved in with him which meant amazing discounts and Tyler. . .

That was when Josh realised the problem. Tyler!

He was filling up his head and making him do crazy things - example, giving him a hickey. But Tyler was supposed to be his brother, as the latter had stated in their heated moment.

Tyler was supposed to be his brother.

So, then, why was he having these thoughts about him? These unholy thoughts. Josh was a Christian, but he wasn't a steady church goer even though he wouldn't admit that, and in as much as church had taught him to love, it had always been the first place he learnt to judge.

And he knew what he was doing was wrong - not homophobia, God no: just incest. He couldn't see Tyler like that. He was his brother for Christ sake.

But then a little voice at the back of his head reminded him, but Tyler didn't object. Remember his moans?

And Josh couldn't help but swipe his tongue over his lower lip when he realised how sexy and beautiful Tyler looked, all flushed and bruised.

Josh loved that.

He broke out of his thoughts when he realised his legs had led him to the park and he was already nearing the swings, his favourite place. He sat down on the creaky, iron seats and held the cold chain, closing his eyes.

For a moment, there was all round silence and the afternoon looked as beautiful as it could ever be. With the snow flaked ground and trees and the sound of cars and human murmuring, Josh just wanted to appreciate it all.

"I knew the blue hair was farmiliar" a voice broke him out of his thoughts, scaring him, "Why aren't you wearing a coat?"

"Violet?" he asked, ignoring her last question with a question even though it was quite clear that it was her, in all her beautiful black, curly haired glory.

"Don't forget the blue" she joked, going to seat on the swing next to him.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school though?" Josh asked her with curiosity.

"I should be but I decided to ditch and stay home instead." she shrugged.

"Violet Blue? Ditching school? That's a first" Josh laughed.

"And most definitely a last. I just needed a break from everything" she sighed, looking away and swinging a bit.

"Did something happen?" Josh asked in concern.

"Nah, nothing for you to worry about, Jishwa" she smiled.

"Oh, you're calling me that now too?" Josh asked in fake exasperation.

"Yup" she nodded, "Tyler says I shouldn't but you know, I'm a rebel"

"A rebel nerd" Josh snorted.

"And proud" she pointed out and they both laughed.

It felt good to just banter and joke.

"Now, you looked a bit sad, so what's wrong?" she asked, this time she was the one concerned.

Josh sighed, "Just things" he said

Violet nodded in understanding, "Well, if you ever want to talk, know I'm here."

"Thanks, Violet Blue. You're the only one who understands."

And they smiled, beginning the journey of a new friendship.

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Hungry x

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