Chapter Twenty-Four: Josh // happy new year!

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Third Person POV


Let it be Christmas everywhere

Let heavenly music fill the air

Let there be love that last through the year

And let it be Christmas everywhere

It was Josh's favourite Christmas song filling the air. It was finally hours before the new year and Josh, Tyler, Violet and Liam were at a small party Liam's friends invited them to.

Actually, it was Liam and any of his friends that were invited and so they filled the space.

The place was crammed though, with Christmas music playing at the background and Liam and Violet Blue talking.

It was good news. Liam had good news - for him anyway. Grandpa Greene was back and so 31st Was The last night he's spend with them before he'd permanently move into his grand fathers house.

Laura and Chris had already taken him out for a goodbye lunch and so, he decided to spend his last night with his friends that he'd come to love as family. Of course he wasn't dying and he'll always visit and was always open for visits but it just wasn't the same.

Tyler couldn't run into his room every morning to wake him up with a bottle of cold water and he couldn't just badge into Tyler's room when the boy was in the middle of a painting and tell him where to improve.

And what about his weekly movies with Violet Blue whether at her house or Josh's? And his teasing of Josh Dun whenever the boy rambled about how much he loves Tyler? And him helping Laura and Chris out in the kitchen? It was safe to say,

Liam Greene was going be missed.

So for that reason, Josh was a bit gloomy as he twirled his straw around his drink. He recognized it as Whiskey.

He felt a hand on his back, “Cheer up, J. I'm not going to another country” Liam said.

“Yeah, but you're going to another side of town that's like really far away” Josh grumbled under his breath, lucky that the music wasn't playing so loud so Liam could hear him.

“The train is a ten minute ride, Joshua” Liam deadpanned.

“Allow me to my misery!” Josh wailed dramatically.

Liam laughed, “You'll be fine, Josh. I'm sure of it”

Josh nodded and went back to swirling his drink. Tyler, who was sitting next to him, leaned in to peck him and Josh leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

“Should I be jealous?” Tyler asked with a smile.

“Nah, Liam's not my type” Josh told him.

“Hey, I heard that!” Liam said.

“Get laid!” Josh yelled back, hearing Violet Blue's pretty laugh.

“See, Violet agrees” Josh laughed.

And soon enough, everyone was laughing for some reason but it was good, it was nice because they wanted to end the last year on a good note.

But then, they were dancing and Josh didn't - couldn't remember when it happened but he hadn't drank because he wanted to remember everything the night had to offer, so they were dancing to Christmas music and at a point, Pentatonix probably came on but he didn't really mind because god, he loved these people surrounding him. His friends.

His family.

And he knew that no matter what, they'd stick together. So Josh wasn't scared anymore, didn't care that he was surrounded with people that potentially knew him or his mother when he brought Tyler in by the hem of his shirt for a kiss.

And he loved it.

He loved that Tyler didn't waver or hesitate as he caught Josh's lips in his own and for a minute, the music stopped and it was just him and Tyler in the room and he felt tingles and was reminded of all the reasons why he loved the boy in the first place.

“Ew, get a room”

The music was back on and Tyler and Josh were smiling really wide because they knew what that's done and even though Liam tried to act disgusted, he was smiling too and Violet - so they were happy. They were really happy.

“Hey” Josh heard, but it wasn't directed at him.

It was a boy, buff and looking around Liam's age or maybe older and he was smiling and talking to Liam. He was really cute. His hair was brown and covering his eyes a little and he was so tall, he has to slouch a bit, so Liam was happy.

“Hi” Liam said and before anyone could speak, the two had taken their conversation to the bar, claiming a stool side by side eachother, then Violet Blue laughed and raised her hands as if in surrender.

“I'm so not third wheeling” and she disappeared into the crowd, probably to go find some boy of her own.

Then it was only Josh and Tyler, and they were still grinning, still slow dancing, still in love.

“You look so beautiful” Josh whispered, inhaling Tyler's pretty scent of vanilla and perfume?

“You do too, boyfriend” Tyler said back with a smile.

So they danced all night, to the best songs ever and they let their hearts finally beat as once because for once in their lives, they weren't scared and they were okay.

But the countdown had begun and every one was drawing nearer. Josh could spot Liam and his man-friend and Violet with some guy so Tyler was by his side as they began to count and Josh was counting the beautiful things about Tyler too.


Beautiful eyes.


Beautiful smile.


Amazing personality.






Not afraid to be feisty






Filled with flaws


Love of my life.

And Tyler didn't know but that party made his boyfriend fall a little harder for his beautiful self.

“Happy New Year” was yelled everywhere and Josh couldn't help but seal the old year with a kiss.

I'm the lucky one, Tyler Joseph, he thought, because I have you.

|| - //

New year soon. One chapter and probably two epilogues left, what's good?

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