Epilogue I: // that was forever

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Epilogue: Third Person POV

"We're gonna have to get it sometime" Josh's worried voice said from the other side of the phone "Why not now, when we're both stable enough"

Tyler could tell his brows were furrowed with concern as he spoke.

It'd been a few months since Tyler and Josh were chased out of their home and a lot of things had changed in that time. For one, they got a very beautiful scenic flat for a cheap price, Tyler, Violet and Liam had graduated, Tyler and Violet had a stable well paying job at Colours which had gained a lot of attention after Liam used a marketing strategy, Liam and Violet both had boyfriends and Josh was still in school even though he was working.

Things had definitely looked up after what, at that time, Tyler thought would be the ending of everything good in their lives. He was just happy he had Josh, his friends and the Blues by his side through it all.

"Well, yeah. I know that but" Tyler said, "I don't wanna have to face them" he said 'them' like it was a bad word even though to him, it was.

Even though it'd been months after Tyler and Josh left, Tyler still needed to get his painting supplies and that particular portrait he did for his mom.

His real mom.

"Tyler-" Josh sighed, pressing his fingers on the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He was in the middle of work when Tyler called him to talk about his paintings only to start talking about how he didn't want to see his parents.

Josh knew Tyler was still scared but he was a bit stressed as he was overworked and his head was pounding. He loved Tyler but it wasn't the right moment for the boys antics.

"Listen, do you want the painting or not? I'm kinda busy right now" Josh's voice came out hoarse, harsh, rough making Tyler realise just how tired his boyfriend was.

"Oh" he said, "No, it's okay. Just go back to work" and he cut the call before Josh could even say another.

Tyler understood that Josh was tired but it kind of hurt the way Josh just brushed him off like that. Then he realised that maybe he was being a little selfish. He called Josh on a Saturday afternoon when the weather was bitingly cold and Josh had the longest shift, plus during weathers like these, Josh had to work extra hard because people came in to repair their stuff in order to avoid accidents and there he was calling and stalling about the reason he called. He could definitely see why Josh was a little mad at him.

As he thought of a way to make it up to his boyfriend, his eyes landed on a vase of roses standing on the kitchen and he smiled mischievously.


Violet Blue had a boyfriend.

The boy at the party, Oscar had asked her out after numerous within two short months, however she was as happy as ever.

Typing away on her laptop in the wee hours of the morning, an email popped up from a university. She pressed open and read through it, realising it was letter of admission from the school she'd applied for.

NYU School of Arts Department.

A scream left her lips causing Oscar who was laying on the bed beside to gruntle awake, already in defense mode, reaching for her and asking what was wrong.

"I got it! I got in. Oh my god, Oscar I got in" her voice was leaking with excitement.

"Got in what?"

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