Chapter Seven: Josh // gee, thanks for getting us killed, mom

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Chapter Seven: Third Person POV


“Put on your shirt, Joshua” his mother said with a tsk, “At least look decent for once” she scolded and then turned to Tyler and Chris, “Sorry, he somehow thinks he's King Kong” she laughed and so did Chris. Tyler, however, stayed quiet.

“Hey, you're that guy from the train and Colours” Josh blurted out, eyes widening when he realised he'd blurted it out.

“Yeah, hi” Tyler spoke.

There's that beautiful voice again.

“You guys know each other?” Chris and Laura asked at the same time.

“Not really. We've just seen each other before” Josh shrugged, running a hand through his hair.

“Well, I'm sure you'll get along fine then. Please show him his room, Joshua and help him settle down. Afterward, come down for dinner” Laura urged, turning away before Josh could protest.

“Of course, Mom. I would love to, thanks for asking” he spoke under his breath, turning to Tyler, “Come on” he said and started jogging up the stairs.

When they'd reached the top, he led Tyler to the second hallway and to a room with a white wooden door.

“This is yours” Josh said, opening the door. The room was spacious and looked like the double of Tyler's old room. There was a new shelf even, packed with his paintings. The room was painted blue in his favourite colour. The floor was a marble white with a soft grey rug. His bed was king sized with a white reading table and bedside table.

He had his own TV, along with a ceiling fan and air conditioner. There was also a body length mirror and two extra doors. One that apparently led to a walk-in closet and another that led to a bathroom/toilet. He even had a huge window sill next to his bed and one small sofa facing the TV.

Josh and Laura had helped Tyler unpack his clothes because Laura wanted him to be comfortable with them and see them like family.

“Whoa” Tyler whispered, Josh smiled.

“You like it?” he asked, closing the door behind him.

Tyler nodded and sat slowly on his soft yellow sheeted bed. “It's so big”he admitted.

“Yeah, well you got the biggest room in the house. You just got here and I'm already smelling favouritism” Josh joked, earning a quiet laugh from Tyler which brought a subconscious smile to his lips. He didn't even know.

“Okay, well, do you need help with anything?” he asked.

“W-wheres my canvas. They did bring it here right?” Tyler's eyes widened.

“Oh, yeah. It's in the closet. Want me to help you set it up?”Josh offered.

“No, I've got it, no worries. I'll set it up later. I've just got an unfinished painting so I was worried” Tyler shrugged, his eyes were looking anywhere but a shirtless Josh.

“Oh right, the one you talked about at Colours” Josh remembered. He was surprised with himself, making a conversation like this but it was just kind of easy with Tyler.


“Hey, you wanna play video games in the living room?” Josh offered.

“Oh, I don't really know how to. . . play” Tyler looked embarrassed, his cheeks tinting red.

“That's okay, everybody learns. Come on, change and I'll teach you” he smiled, walking over to Tyler's bed and laying on it without permission. Tyler smiled, wondering why the boy was being so nice to him but he didn't question it. Instead he walked into his closet and picked out his favourite yellow hoodie with the same black jeans he was wearing and he walked out, discarding his old shirt in the wash bin inside the closet.

“Alright, come on” Josh motioned to the door and walked out of it. They walked down the stairs and to the living room where their parents were no where in sight. Josh knew his mother was in the kitchen preparing dinner and Chris was probably with her.

Laura had taken the entire week off the hospital to spend with her new family.

Josh fumbled with the TV and consoles before he finally put in his favourite game: Resident Evil 4, multi-player.

He taught Tyler how to use the controls to move the characters and kill the zombies. He also taught him how to run and hide. They were in the middle of entering the church when they heard a coo behind them, they turned to face Laura who was leaning against Chris, a smile on her lips.

“Aw, you guys are already playing games together. I'm so happy” she laughed and Josh could've sworn he saw her eyes glistening with fresh tears which wasn't surprising since Laura always acted badass but half the time, was an emotional wreck.

They heard the notification that signaled they had failed and Josh glared at his mom, “Gee, thanks for getting us killed, mom.”he narrowed his eyes.

Tyler giggled next to him and Josh couldn't help but laugh as well, shaking his head, “I'm trying to be mad over here, Tyler. Stop laughing” and really Tyler couldn't help but laugh harder but in his defense, he was told not to laugh, so he had to laugh.

And Josh laughed too, so did Laura and Chris and soon, everyone was laughing. Two moving men came out from the basement, dusting their hands.

“The left over boxes have been stored, Mrs Dun” the buffer lot of them spoke, missing Chris whispering, “Soon to be Joseph”

Laura tipped them and they were on their way.

“Well, we came to let you boys know that dinner is ready and Joshua, put on your shirt” she ordered with the eye, causing Josh to hurriedly put on his red thin tanktop.

In a minute, they were all gathered across the four sitter dining table, holding hands as they bowed their heads in prayer, thanking God for bringing them together.

When they were done praying, Laura clapped her hands and smiled happily.

“I'm so happy we're eating dinner,”she said which made everyone look at her weirdly and Josh was about to make a sarcastic comment when she spoke again.

“As a family”

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Super hungry rn x

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