Special Presents

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“Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse-” They were cut off by a low mutter behind them, rolling their eye as the words were spoken.

“Apparently not the ones here. They run amok at any time the twins aren't.” Turning to face their overly grumpy boyfriend, they felt the movements in their belly start back up. Just great, they'd just gotten them to sleep. Closing the book that was in their hand lightly, they sighed softly.

“It's a story. And who knows, it could have been true when the thing was written. Now shush, you woke the baby up.” Rubbing the fabric covered skin of their middle, they huffed lightly at kicks and punches hitting the stretched skin.

“Fine. Continue. And please use first person pronouns, it's getting confusing and he's giving me a headache with how pissy he is.” Narrowing their- no his eyes, he looked back down at the book in his hand.

“If you stop breaking the fourth wall.” Watching the other nod, he turned the page. “The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;” Watching the wistful expressions of his children, he smiled before he needed to read what the younger boy wrote.

‘Will Santa really come? What about our baby brother? Will he get presents?’ Torrid gave him a quizzical look, his head tilted to the side. The short dark blonde hair formed two small horns at the top of the boy's head. He couldn't help but smile, rubbing the four year old's back carefully.

“I'm sure he will kiddo, you both have been so good this year. And I guess we'll see about your little brother, he isn't supposed to come for another week and a half though.” Feeling stronger kicks, he gasped softly. “Looks like he wants to hear the rest of the story. Tomme do you want to try reading out loud?” Watching the hyperactive boy nod, he handed the book over to the socketed boy. He managed to stand from where he was sitting on the side of the bed, a hand under his belly to give support before he moved to sit in the rocking chair. The actual back support was amazing, each shift of the child in his womb giving him a sharp pain as well as discomfort as long as he wasn't leaning back against anything. It was why he had handed his son the book to read, he wasn't very good at hiding his pain vocally, the only portion of him that really could being either Tom or Tord. But Tom was barred from fronting, and having both parents with Tord fronts would confuse the two boys and cause worry.

“The children were nethtled all thnug in their bedth, While visions of thugar-pu-plumth danced in their headth; And mamma in her 'ker-kerch-kerchief, and I in my cap, Had jutht thettled down for a long winter'th nap.” Tomme was having a little difficulty with the older words, the small lisp in the four year old's voice making it much cuter than he expected it to be. Nodding to his son that he was doing good, the small light brunette bounced on the bed a little before turning the page.

“Can daddy read now? I like it when he readth to uth.” Watching Torrid nod from beside his brother, he glanced over to the standing adult. Torm sighed visibly before nodding, taking the book from the small boy before sitting between both sons. He felt another cramp against his pelvis, about the spot where the other had cut him open roughly four and a half years ago. The spot had healed well, a thin scar that showed where his oldest two had come out of.

“When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below, When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,” The other really knew how to put emotion into the story, pausing before the monumental portion. “Want to say this part with me Tomme? I know you like to say this one as loud as you can.” He couldn't help but smile as he watched the small boy grin brightly.

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